W: Jesse Plemons is in contention for a lead role in Star Wars: Episode VII [STAR7] Jan 10, 15:44
Meth Damon? {nm} Jan 10, 15:45
Yep. {nm} Jan 10, 15:51
He doesn't look like a leading man, but Mara Jade was a redhead. {nm} Jan 10, 16:00
Well, "lead role" could be a main villain. He was great as Todd in Breaking Bad. Didn't see FNL where maybe he played a good guy. {nm} Jan 10, 17:04
He's too young for a villain. He's of age to be Luke's son as mentioned in the article. {nm} Jan 10, 17:15
Luke's father became a villain at a young age. :-) And if he is a villain J.J. would probably keep it a secret. {nm} Jan 11, 01:55
Had a feeling that "open casting call" was pure PR. {nm} Jan 10, 16:36
looks like a farm boy...a descendant of Owen Lars? {nm} Jan 10, 21:21