Official Adjusts Feb 09, 10:00
Looks MONUM held up over the weekend. {nm} Feb 09, 10:07
I rest my case {nm} Feb 09, 10:50
What case is that? Who cares if someone else posts earlier? Well, aside from you, that is. {nm} Feb 09, 10:59
I'm thinking at least x3.5 delist...anyone else? {nm} Feb 09, 12:39
LORAX had 2.53... so who knows Feb 09, 12:52
LORAX didn't have holiday on 2nd weekend. {nm} Feb 09, 13:12
Lorax also had a 54% RT vs. 95% for Lego. As great as Lego did, its box office was probably also dampened at least a bit by... Feb 09, 13:31
But it had March break. {nm} Feb 09, 13:53
That didn't effect any of it's weekend drops.... {nm} Feb 09, 19:31
But the March break ought to have buoyed its delist multiplier. {nm} Feb 10, 06:16
i'd be interested in seeing the age breakdown, b/c if it performed like it tracked, it will have a good size audience 25+ so pixar comps Feb 09, 13:49
Huh? I thought that was a Doc Seuss book. Don't overthink this ****, mavens. {nm} Feb 09, 14:31
Out of interest, how did it differ from the book? Because IIRC the environmental message in the book was pretty obvious. {nm} Feb 09, 18:43