MEW: new specific target production start dates [INTRN] [LNGST]; [PIRT5] lost its date, now TBA Mar 30, 04:24
Disney doesnt need in the short time a pirate movie. with marvel, lucas, pixar, and their animation and fantasy princess {nm} Mar 30, 06:31
Disney doesnt need in the short time a pirate movie. with marvel, lucas, pixar, and their animation and fantasy princess {nm} Mar 30, 06:31
project can stay dormant for a while. I mean it lost October start date that was already ways off... you played long enough to know what Mar 30, 07:26
they can use some od that money to buy DC from warners {nm} Mar 30, 08:06
Oooohooo... you three..... so in the know :-) {nm} Mar 30, 09:03
I'm sticking with 'pirt5 lost its date' ty :-) {nm} Mar 30, 09:05
I'm thinking they're thinking "Remember The Alamo! ... er, Lone Ranger." :-) {nm} Mar 30, 09:14
long term... but short term...:-P {nm} Mar 30, 09:17