THR: 'Fault in Our Stars' tracking for 35 Mill (insiders suggest 20-25) [TFIOS]; 'Edge of Tomorrow' 25-30 [AYNIK] May 15, 10:53
What does that imply, "insiders suggest".. ? They are privvy to superior tracking that no one else gets to see? {nm} May 15, 11:15
usually they like to lowball, so if movie does not hit the tracking # they don't look like fools :) {nm} May 15, 11:17
Ah, ok, it's just the regular "studio insiders", playing the expectations game.... I see, thanks :-) {nm} May 15, 11:33
W: both tracking in the $25 million range May 15, 11:27
Early but not good for Edge of Tomorrow {nm} May 15, 11:48
It's tom cruise. dude lives off of MIssion Impossible to surive. {nm} May 15, 12:21
I thought he lived off the donations to the Church of Scientology. {nm} May 15, 12:32
Lives off Mission Impossible. Dies in Crap. Repeat. {nm} May 15, 13:15
Don't be glib. May 15, 13:41