HSX Forum


remind us again how much fake money youve gained in 12years.

Posted by: adrenalin112 on Dec 20, 16:09 in response to Vashta Nerada's post Posting a valid opinion obviously. Everybody has moved on...


Confused as heck about [PRED3] sonic_death_monkey Dec 20, 14:49

The hype is because the first film was a solid success and a classic. who99 Dec 20, 15:07

That makes a lot of sense sonic_death_monkey Dec 20, 15:30

FYI, with inflation figured in, PRED1 actually did a little over $112 million {nm} who99 Dec 20, 15:17

sorry bro, i posted this at reset. hope we're cool bro. ill make sure to fix it at tonights reset. adrenalin112 Dec 20, 15:40

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz {nm} MJB Dec 20, 15:49

I'm sorry, who are you? Facto Dec 20, 15:55

Posting a valid opinion obviously. Everybody has moved on and are leaving it in the capable hands of HSXSEC. Except for the Vashta Nerada Dec 20, 16:02

remind us again how much fake money youve gained in 12years. adrenalin112 Dec 20, 16:09

Remind me again why you are still here if you have no interest in fake money? {nm} Vashta Nerada Dec 20, 16:14

no seriously, tell me again how awesome it was in the long long ago when you were the only one here & you would post and reply to yourself {nm} adrenalin112 Dec 20, 16:20

And your still here {nm} Vashta Nerada Dec 20, 17:06

That would be "you're". Regards, the H-Mogul's little helper and sycophant and what not.. ;-) Facto Dec 20, 17:07

yeah, keep trying to troll me to so that i get mad & leave or maybe ill say something to get banned. im not huskymiller. adrenalin112 Dec 20, 17:39

Or Facto Dec 20, 17:46

Speaking strictly for myself: There are plenty other reasons, such as keeping in the loop about movies (some here happen to be into them), Facto Dec 20, 16:45

I didn't lose any money on it. I just call it as I see it. And it wasn;t me that brought this mess up again. Maybe you should be talking to Vashta Nerada Dec 20, 17:08

I'm just telling you that there appears to be no case pending, and I'm happy to attribute in clarifying that. Something good came out of thi Facto Dec 20, 17:27

(contribute - ok, I'm gonna go heat me a micro-wave dinner now, blood sugar's all spent) Facto Dec 20, 17:28

Oh, I'm a sycophant now? Facto Dec 20, 16:39

I have no idea what's happening anymore sonic_death_monkey Dec 20, 16:46

thread derailment. sorry deathmonkey. {nm} adrenalin112 Dec 20, 16:52

Djeebus, you're still posting stock movements?! Facto Dec 20, 16:54

Actually Facto, I DON'T know. sonic_death_monkey Dec 20, 17:05

Fair enought, as far as I am concerned. Unlike some others, I'm not bent on pointing fingers (on page after page of these boards) Facto Dec 20, 17:16

Ps. CoC = Code of Conduct. And I referred to the ruckus here on the boards, not in terms of how securities were traded on the exchange subse Facto Dec 20, 17:19

Fair enough sonic_death_monkey Dec 20, 17:34

Thought I remembered your name from somewhere Facto Dec 20, 17:48

HSX probagbly won't survive if CX doesn't fly. This is CF's final shot at making some money off this site. That's why they did orange and H-Mogul Dec 20, 17:29

HSX is profitable for CF sonic_death_monkey Dec 20, 17:37

shhhh... he doesnt want you to know that. if we all believe hsx is going away, we'll leave now so he can play by himself again. {nm} adrenalin112 Dec 20, 17:47

When CF took over HSX... ? They started it, no? Back in '99 or so? Keiser was one of CF's main golden boys, and all? Facto Dec 20, 18:33

I was slightly mistaken. Keiser and a partner initiated HSX back in '96, CF acquired it in 2001 - obviously before 9/11. Link: Facto Dec 20, 19:06

lol facto. why does everyone think i have a point when i post? im just havin some fun. {nm} adrenalin112 Dec 20, 16:03

Well most people figured out that you were pointless long ago. Vashta Nerada Dec 20, 16:13

youre right. im only here to break rules & manipulate at reset. now go make a new thread because this one cant contain all that is hmog. {nm} adrenalin112 Dec 20, 16:23

The entire forums and all the boards, plus back-channels, IRC, ST and what not, cannot contain that entity you refer to... Facto Dec 20, 16:47

Wow big words again. I'm impressed by your need to go on and on about a subject that was dead until 112 need to be the center Vashta Nerada Dec 20, 17:13

Yeah, yeah.. Facto Dec 20, 17:39

Now that you have admitted why you are here. You can go away. {nm} Vashta Nerada Dec 20, 17:09

:( am i making hsx not so fun for you??? poor hmog. {nm} adrenalin112 Dec 20, 17:45

I've been playing for a few years sonic_death_monkey Dec 20, 16:09

no one is critizicizing you mang. :) adrenalin112 Dec 20, 16:11

oh man was i hoping to see a facepalm. imagine my joy to see it was a gif, errrr moving picture {nm} maceodkat Dec 20, 17:10

denzelmynig.jpg {nm} adrenalin112 Dec 20, 17:31

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