‘Bad Boys 3′ Confirmed by Martin Lawrence Aug 14, 10:51
Not. You might look down 9 threads, where the post was scribbled. {nm} Aug 14, 11:18
The post was fine since he didn't tag nor exaggerate the "news". {nm} Aug 14, 11:21
Maybe they are going for a Linklater "Before..." type of series where they release one every decade. {nm} Aug 14, 12:23
abc news says that M LAwrence confirmed.indicated on Conan, No? Googled it. Aug 14, 13:08
again? {nm} Aug 14, 11:21
Why was my post deleted and this one, which states the same thing, stays? Aug 14, 12:35
Short answer - because this one wasn't tagged, while yours was. And it's not confirmed as in "it's going ahead for sure". {nm} Aug 14, 14:19