Romy & Michelle 2 Mira Sorvino and Lisa Kudrow reunite as Romy and Michelle in a sequel to the original 1997 comedy. Robin Schiff...
Mufasa: The Lion King The Lion King remake will continue with a prequel that explores the origin of Mufasa and his rivalry with Scar....
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Despite all the pro's and con's re Nikki, I'm sorry to hear that. {nm}
Posted by: grammar on Aug 27, 09:27 in response to Antibody's post via THR: Nikki Finke spotted. BF: According to three...
via THR: Nikki Finke spotted. BF: According to three sources, she will shut down her site. Antibody Aug 27, 09:23
Despite all the pro's and con's re Nikki, I'm sorry to hear that. grammar Aug 27, 09:27
Most of the industry had already moved on when she started all the Drudge clickbait. But in the end... skamanfu Aug 27, 10:19
sad truth is, she needs deadline and deadline needs her. {nm} Moviesnob Aug 27, 10:35
wow, they are really going after her hard. {nm} lobogotti Aug 27, 11:03
shameful. fleming response on DL was quite nice I thought {nm} islander Aug 27, 11:46
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