THR: Trackings [ANNIE] might debut in the $15 million range Dec 10, 10:51
Seems like they have been marketing Annie for a year, or have they? At the very least, awareness has to be very high. Dec 10, 10:55
Feels like they've been hyping it up for a year {nm} Dec 10, 11:16
"Do you want to see it opening weekend?" is one of the factors here. {nm} Dec 10, 12:40
I don't care to see it opening weekend or any weekend. {nm} Dec 10, 13:24
yeah but Annie is more for little girls and Night at The Museum is more for both kids. {nm} Dec 10, 13:58
It's not surprising for ANY movie to open below expectations this year. {nm} Dec 11, 08:12
Hey I have kids. :) {nm} Dec 11, 08:12
I've already seen it, along with a few million other people. Save your money and wait for Redbox or movie channel release. Dec 10, 15:01
Or watch the original {nm} Dec 11, 08:13
Loved Carol Burnett in the first movie. {nm} Dec 11, 08:13