HSX Forum


Yeap. Old saying from long forgotten days. Great that HSX is still filled with senior traders from the 90s. {nm}

Posted by: DiNar0 (a.k.a shahnon) on Jan 10, 10:13 in response to Facto's post Price Paid Doesn't Matter?

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Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 359 33.54 (-1.22)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 50000 26.21 (+1.21)          Legally Blonde 3 (BLON3) 150000 16.72 (+1.10)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 140254 15.07 (-0.64)          Companion (CMPAN) 150000 26.47 (+1.07)          Companion (CMPAN) 150000 26.47 (+1.07)          Legally Blonde 3 (BLON3) 150000 16.72 (+1.10)          Legally Blonde 3 (BLON3) 150000 16.72 (+1.10)          Flight Risk (FLTRS) 150000 32.02 (+1.39)          Flight Risk (FLTRS) 150000 32.02 (+1.39)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 150000 28.42 (-1.59)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 150000 28.42 (-1.59)          El Muerto (MUERT) 150000 10.53 (-0.35)          Tower of Terror (TOWRT) 150000 20.65 (+0.48)          Channing Tatum (CTATU) 1 50.90 (+0.16)          El Muerto (MUERT) 150000 10.53 (-0.35)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 150000 15.07 (-0.64)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 33.54 (-1.22)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 33.54 (-1.22)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 150000 26.21 (+1.21)          Tower of Terror (TOWRT) 150000 20.65 (+0.48)          Tower of Terror (TOWRT) 150000 20.65 (+0.48)          Companion (CMPAN) 150000 26.47 (+1.07)          Legally Blonde 3 (BLON3) 150000 16.72 (+1.10)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 149999 33.54 (-1.22)          Legally Blonde 3 (BLON3) 150000 16.72 (+1.10)          Eternity (ETERN) 150000 14.03 (+0.97)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 149999 33.54 (-1.22)          Eternity (ETERN) 150000 14.03 (+0.97)          Flight Risk (FLTRS) 150000 32.02 (+1.39)          Flight Risk (FLTRS) 150000 32.02 (+1.39)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 150000 26.21 (+1.21)          Last Friday (FRID4) 150000 2.23 (0.00)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 15000 28.42 (-1.59)          Sonic the Hedgehog 3 $205M Block (SONC3.BW) 25000 8.88 (+0.06)          El Muerto (MUERT) 150000 10.53 (-0.35)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 40000 33.54 (-1.22)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 150000 26.21 (+1.21)          Eddie Murphy (EMURP) 25000 75.69 (+0.25)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 50000 26.21 (+1.21)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 150000 26.21 (+1.21)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 150000 28.42 (-1.59)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 150000 28.42 (-1.59)          Josh Brolin (JBROL) 25000 127.65 (+0.33)          Legally Blonde 3 (BLON3) 150000 16.72 (+1.10)          Legally Blonde 3 (BLON3) 150000 16.72 (+1.10)          Emilia Jones (EJONE) 25000 2.85 (+0.02)          Milla Jovovich (MJOVO) 25000 14.25 (+0.10)          Eternity (ETERN) 149999 14.03 (+0.97)          Legally Blonde 3 (BLON3) 149999 16.72 (+1.10)