what happens when you short an awardoption? {nm} Feb 21, 11:48
Well if it's HTUB2, you make $$$ {nm} Feb 21, 11:49
Now there is an idea: Razzie NominOptions. {nm} Feb 21, 16:08
Basically, it is betting against in the HTUB2 case, you bet the film will make less than 12.08 (price at halt) Feb 21, 11:51
thanks, but I meant the AwardOptions..Oscar predictions... {nm} Feb 21, 11:55
you're betting that the particular film or star won't win. {nm} Feb 21, 11:58
same as any other stock... Feb 21, 12:00
general strategy is to long the one you think will win and then you can short the rest {nm} Feb 21, 12:01