BW: Filming is Underway on Warner Bros. Pictures’ The Jungle Book [JNGBO] Mar 09, 16:20
Hmm, and there I thought production announcement was not a tagable event... {nm} Mar 09, 16:30
A production start date wasn't previously tagged. New info. {nm} Mar 09, 16:35
got it ;) {nm} Mar 09, 16:45
So it'll be done filming over 2 years before the release date. Interesting. Mar 09, 16:42
And looks like they dropping Origins from the title. {nm} Mar 09, 16:44
the disney jungle book is beating them by a year {nm} Mar 09, 19:40
It moved back because of the Disney one, but starting production is hardly NEW news. They started ages ago. Mar 10, 10:36