HSX Forum


The interview was posted in May 14 2015, so it is probably not outdated now {nm}

Posted by: Peterlee (a.k.a Peterlee (from past)) on May 18, 17:06 in response to Antibody's post That's been known for awhile, and probably outdated now.

fandango- George Miller: two MAD MAX sequels exist. There's one that has a finished script and is centered more on Charlize Theron's role. Peterlee May 18, 15:13

That's been known for awhile, and probably outdated now. {nm} Antibody May 18, 15:29

The interview was posted in May 14 2015, so it is probably not outdated now Peterlee May 18, 17:06

Two threads down. Seems GMILL is moving forward with the script without Furiosa. {nm} Antibody May 18, 17:10

he is going with his black gay jewish abortion clinic worker anti hero script {nm} Moviesnob May 18, 19:15

There were talks about filming Furiosa back-to-back with Fury Road, which obviously didn't happen. {nm} Antibody May 18, 17:13

Tom Hardy is signed for 3 films, but no mention about Theron signing mutiple films.. {nm} Antibody May 18, 17:16

My guess is that if Theron refused to star in the sequel, Warner Bros wouldn't greenlight the sequel (like what happened to WANTED 2)... {nm} Peterlee May 18, 17:24

unless Warner can get another higher-profile actress to play another feminist action hero (ie. Emma Stone, Anna Kendrick, etc...) {nm} Peterlee May 18, 17:26

Ms Kendrick already whooped Max's (rear) this weekend. What more does she have to prove? ;) {nm} BSmurf May 18, 17:35

i think wanted and Mad Max are two different franchises. Warner did not go after the female demo for MM and they did for Wanted {nm} Moviesnob May 18, 17:54

I also think Warner will have no problem finding someone to replace Theron if need be {nm} Moviesnob May 18, 19:04

I think so. If there is another feminist action hero role, many actresses will be interested. {nm} Peterlee May 18, 19:11

Gotta agree with ya there Snob {nm} Dorfman May 18, 19:33

Making a movie "feminist" is a way of maximizing its audience appeals potential? (And thereby its earnings and return on studio investment?) {nm} Facto May 18, 22:55

That disappointing this BANE of all actors is still alive in the movies. {nm} tenchi7 May 18, 23:43

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