THR tracking: 1952 40+ (3day) / high 40 w/ chance of hitting 50 (4day); POLTR mid teens to 20 (does not specify 3 or 4 days) May 20, 09:57
Yikes, that would be weak for POLTR, 3 day or 4. It's strangely still absent from MT this afternoon. {nm} May 20, 10:05
This article calls the 82 original a 'cult classic'. I don't agree, it was a pretty significant hit on release. {nm} May 20, 10:11
The original was very well done. Still creeps me out that the skeletons in the pool were real. {nm} May 20, 10:14
Static on tv is still unsettling to me. {nm} May 20, 10:28
you should upgrade to digital tvs {nm} May 20, 10:40
where you'll get the blue screen of death. {nm} May 20, 10:45
We still have an old school cheapie in the storm shelter..... {nm} May 20, 11:56
So when is the IPO for the horror film "Blue Screen of Death"? May 20, 12:26
Tomorrowland is #3 on "The Pulse" tab on Fandango's app. That's pretty good as it is above Mad Max 3D and Avengers. May 20, 10:44
What's the ranking mean? the method of measurement? {nm} May 20, 10:46
I think (but am not sure) that it is volume of tickets sold. Not sure over what period of time it is. May 20, 12:56