HSX Forum


You're underestimating foreign gross. There are now 32 movies over 600mil foreign BO, 17 over 700. Last Ice Age only 18% domestic BO {nm}

Posted by: JDolphin on May 31, 21:07 in response to chosenone2oo5's post I'm not under a misimpression here. But international...

If a stupid looking movie like San Andreas can reap in $50M+, maybe I should just quit, liquidate all shares. America has no taste anymore. chosenone2oo5 May 31, 12:13

try not to take it so personally. {nm} CSBD May 31, 12:15

Anymore? {nm} Biff68 May 31, 12:18

Why so serious? {nm} ~JPV~ May 31, 12:19

ROFL! {nm} Chateau_du_Mal_Voisin May 31, 13:24

I watch what i personally want; I invest in want people want or don't want to watch. Keep those separate. {nm} ryeontherocks May 31, 12:20

This is the right answer. {nm} Raven9167 May 31, 12:52

It sure is! DTshakes May 31, 15:02

Apparently not, since I'm not talking about the game or investments. I'm talking about why the hell anyone would want to watch this movie. {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 15:28

Maybe they like all action no plot. I could go on the same rant about horror films, but why? just because I don't get why people like JDolphin May 31, 17:04

A lot of horror movies do suck. But people love them because when they pull it off, it requires every aspect of filmmaking to be executed-- chosenone2oo5 May 31, 19:10

And that's YOUR opinion - never seen a horror film (or part of one) that was worth 2 cents of my time {nm} JDolphin May 31, 20:33

If you buy or sell on personal taste and/or perceived quality then you should quit because you are going to lose a lot of money.. {nm} JDolphin May 31, 12:26

The game is about quantity not quality {nm} JDolphin May 31, 12:27

Just like your 20's -- #amIrite? (nm) DTshakes May 31, 15:03

Both good and bad movies make money and lose money. Sometimes I understand why sometimes I don't. MattW May 31, 12:29

Personally I stopped reading your rant at "autistic genetic trait" (inside) hyperzeitgeist May 31, 12:31

A puerile worldview is created from a puerile world. It's not one of those stupid "chicken or the egg" arguments. Also, you assume too much. chosenone2oo5 May 31, 12:43

See, I stopped reading at "moronical", because that's not actually a word. {nm} Sorrannax May 31, 12:52

Tell Sgt. Lincoln Osiris that. Was quoting him. But like Kirk Lazarus, I know that. Ever be the dude playing the dude disguised as another? {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 13:09

I usually stop reading when the quick reply headline ends. {nm} Bored76er May 31, 14:11

Well, it was a bad choice of words, but maybe he meant no harm. But i do understand the frustration in horrible flicks making bank. goodvibe61 May 31, 20:47

Did you short San Andreas OW and call by any chance ;) ? {nm} mattep74 May 31, 12:41

I have $2B in my portfolio more than you. You think you're clever, but until you break $100M you don't know this game. {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 12:45

But seriously, did you short the .OW and the .CA? {nm} RogerMore May 31, 13:01

But seriously, no. {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 13:22

It's just a game. Personally, I would much rather see a disaster movie than a comic book movie that had been in theaters non stop lately {nm} Oleg Max May 31, 12:49

To that end, you should watch a black and white silent film. There are rarely ever any of those. {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 13:01

You do know that of Birdman, Whiplash, and Boyhood, the highest gross of those three was $42 million? Raven9167 May 31, 12:50

Independence Day is also a pretty crappy movie. And those box office numbers are exactly what I'm talking about. America has no taste. {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 13:05

If you turn off your brain and enjoy the crap, you really appreciate the good when it comes along. {nm} ryeontherocks May 31, 13:15

I can do that for far more worthy "guilty pleasures," but those require more skill than "San Andreas" to make well. But you proved my point. {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 13:30

Heh, I won't make the argument about Independence Day, it is certainly a guilty pleasure for me. Raven9167 May 31, 13:45

But there is a difference between a quality crowd-pleaser that gets people talking ("Guardians of the Galaxy") and a dumb simple BOOM-BOOM. chosenone2oo5 Jun 01, 00:43

Yes because Jason Statham and Guy Ritchie are American exports. Euros enjoy their trash the same as all do, no hypocritical bashing please. {nm} Bored76er May 31, 18:09

I {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 19:11

I've seen television shows from the UK that are far superior to film--not only from a screenwriting aspect, but acting and directing as well {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 19:12

Demand for more "original, adult-oriented" programming (not San Andreas) have pushed more limited releases lately into wider releases. chosenone2oo5 May 31, 15:51

Easy reply to that loooong post. Shut up, quit whining. {nm} thefootballfreak May 31, 13:00

It's a summer disaster popcorn flick, this isn't a fluke. Some people like movies, all movies. The good and the big banging Summer ones. {nm} Machined2 May 31, 13:08

There's a difference between "big" and "good." Last year, "Transformers: Age of Extinction" ("big") was the worst movie I saw all summer. {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 13:13

I don't think you understand what I'm saying. I can enjoy a "big" summer movie with low expectations and just enjoy the experience, and I'm Machined2 May 31, 14:09

I'm okay with that too. "Die Hard" isn't the deepest film ever, but everyone loves it because it was creative. That {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 15:30

*That shows more effort was placed on characters, plot, and direction. "San Andreas" just looks like "ooo boom blam pew-pew CRASH." {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 15:32

Considering your posts here - WHY would you waste your money on Transformers - isn't that exactly what your ranting against?!?!? {nm} JDolphin May 31, 14:25

I was on a date, and I do love to laugh at Michael Bay's incompetence. But even then, I still felt like I was hammered for 2.5 hrs straight. {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 15:33

Hello? SANDR looks like a guilty pleasure. Might even watch the DVD. {nm} lesana May 31, 13:09

Have you seen sharknado the movie {nm} mike255 May 31, 13:25

The first one I needed to drink a lot of vodka to enjoy. "Sharknado: The Second One" was an improvement, but TV still is free. Tickets ain't {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 13:36

Syfy's free? {nm} Biff68 May 31, 13:39

It's not Pay-Per-View or Video On Demand is all I mean. People would rather spend money on tickets for San Andreas than turn on the TV. Ugh. {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 13:48

Thats why films that make you "think" seem to have limited release {nm} blaze223 May 31, 13:28

Get this (if you can): escapism requires distraction. Distraction's getting you to THINK about something else. Stupid movies don't. (inside) chosenone2oo5 May 31, 13:47

But if everyone liked the movies you are insisting they should like, how would you feel superior? {nm} srrichardson Jun 01, 08:57

if you liquidate i move up one spot. just throwing that out there. {nm} tradermark May 31, 13:54

Secretstalker, is that you ... :-? {nm} JMT-NL May 31, 14:02

it does remind me of The Great Chipmunk Rant Of 2007 {nm} RazorHawk May 31, 14:15

Do you have a link to that? But that's tonally so different. "San Andreas" is like "take me so seriously," but "Alvin" is like ADORABLE. chosenone2oo5 May 31, 15:36

there is almost no access to any HSX postings that happened before this new version of the site launched in June 2009 RazorHawk May 31, 16:09

There would certainly be a lot of useful, playable information if we could. But I remember the relaunch! I'd only played for 1.5 yrs by then {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 16:13

If you survived HSX Orange.... you can survive any upcoming disaster porn revival! {nm} RazorHawk May 31, 18:24

Well that's North American box office, so there's bound to be a few Canadians in there as well. Also $50M, that's like 5M people out of 350M casey May 31, 14:18

That made me feel a little better. Silly Canadians--American movies are for Americans! Except for "The Wolverine," that crazy Canuck. {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 15:38

lol dude mad. {nm} thedudeman2222 May 31, 15:34

I can't believe your so upset it was a good comedy. I found myself laughing a fair bit through the movie. {nm} Phillips May 31, 15:41

Did you see the movie? Phillips May 31, 15:55

Some movies you don't have to see. Sometimes you really can see the trailer and have seen the entire story. Like "Cinderella." Or "Get Hard" {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 16:08

Wow, skipped that long screed, but now you know how I felt after the first Jackass movie. {nm} not2fast May 31, 15:58

At least "Jackass" can be ambitious. "Hey, let's make a disaster movie where the city crumbles! Have we seen that before? Yes? Oh well! PAY" {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 16:03

Sorry, anyone that has anything remotely good to say about Jackass has no business complaining about other movies {nm} JDolphin May 31, 17:09

If the Academy Awards honored Stuntwork, the Jackass series would've been a regular during those years. Those guys got balls (maybe no more) {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 19:15

TIL: never invite chosenone2oo5 to a party {nm} adrenalin112 May 31, 16:15

TIL: adrenalin112 is taking a piss. adrenalin112 hasn Also, Happy Gilmore and Top Gun both suck incredibly bad. {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 16:20

I hate this keyboard, I keep hitting some random key with my pinky and it's submitting my posts. Was saying TIL: adrenalin112 hasn't been-- chosenone2oo5 May 31, 16:22

well i had to give you a 1 year head start to make it fair ;D {nm} adrenalin112 May 31, 16:37

TIL: adrenalin112 thinks 4 months = 1 year. {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 16:55

The Towering Inferno...Poseidon Adventure...Earthquake...and a little James Bond...mix em up and you get SANDR. Sometimes StarBondFund May 31, 19:05

I would never rank Denzel that high. It doesn't need to be "San Andreas" starring Peter O'Toole. It just shouldn't be arbitrary/derivative. chosenone2oo5 May 31, 19:17

lol. I agree with. America deserves the Cinema they get {nm} Juiced May 31, 19:24

Yes, but what does it NEED...? You set me up for The Dark Knight quote. It's the film America deserves...but not the one it needs... {nm} chosenone2oo5 May 31, 19:35

Wow - and there we have a big difference of opinion. I wasn't impressed AT ALL. and it was derivative and boring {nm} JDolphin May 31, 20:26

On my gosh we agree. Just look at the foreign box office. Chosenone that's who you should be arguing with {nm} JDolphin May 31, 20:28

this should have been under tristafe (aka professor smartbrain) post below {nm} JDolphin May 31, 20:31

you are under the misimpression that Hollywood is making these movies for America anymore tristafé May 31, 20:00

Agreed. There's far more reliance on the international box office. {nm} ~JPV~ May 31, 20:31

I'm not under a misimpression here. But international comes down to 1. stars and 2. brand franchises. But we all know (click inside) chosenone2oo5 May 31, 20:43

You're underestimating foreign gross. There are now 32 movies over 600mil foreign BO, 17 over 700. Last Ice Age only 18% domestic BO JDolphin May 31, 21:07

damn - put it in the wrong place again - goes below - but I think foreign seems to be more action instead of stars {nm} JDolphin May 31, 21:09

Underestimate, overestimate, over-under...studios make movies for a global audience, but the screenwriters? Directors? Actors? (inside) chosenone2oo5 May 31, 22:58

Hey chosenone: Great post. You really got it rockin in here today. Nicely done. {nm} goodvibe61 May 31, 20:43

^This. "They see me trollin'...they hatin'..." I'm glad a lot of you could contribute your opinions! I have an improved perspective on it. chosenone2oo5 May 31, 20:47

Great thread. Good fun, thanks for posting {nm} ryeontherocks May 31, 21:10

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