CS: Jeffrey Wright; Anna Paquin; Sam Elliot SZAHN join The Good Dinosaur [DINOS] BHADE; JLITH; JGREE; NPHAR not listed Jun 12, 10:03
Anyone else suspect the decision to push this opening back was so that it would follow the Jurassic Park dino hype? Jun 12, 10:20
have too say your right there {nm} Jun 12, 10:21
I think they pushed it back because they rewrote the story, got a new director, and got a new cast {nm} Jun 12, 10:25
When have little details like that ever impacted a studio's decision before? :P Jun 12, 12:14
No. As Razorhawk said -- there were *major* production issues. More than came out publicly. Jun 12, 12:14