HSX Forum


This is laughably high. Like, pee in a cup high. {nm}

Posted by: JoeMetz on Dec 01, 11:10 in response to Bleachigo's post Over/Under poll for STAR7 domestic opening weekend @ $300...

Over/Under poll for STAR7 domestic opening weekend @ $300 Million {nm} Bleachigo Dec 01, 07:28

my guess...Over Bleachigo Dec 01, 07:28

To hit 300m all three weekend days would have to be bigger than the biggest summer Saturday ever, MattW Dec 01, 08:20

It has an excellent chance at taking the best single December day record, I think. second gary Dec 01, 08:46

I think it has a good chance as well. {nm} Dorfman. Dec 01, 09:00

Possibly... {nm} ndmaster Dec 01, 09:52

Sunday might not hit 37, but Th, Fr and Sat should easily top it. {nm} MattW Dec 01, 10:20

$300? No way, under. {nm} shaunwins Dec 01, 07:32

Where did 300 million come from? I thought we were doing over/under on 200m. lol {nm} Dorfman. Dec 01, 07:34

I know!...would also make a great number for the OW warrant {nm} tealfan Dec 01, 09:10

under {nm} tealfan Dec 01, 09:10

under. {nm} csbd Dec 01, 07:35

You'd have to reach 90% theater capacity to get to $300m when Avengers was was only around 60%. {nm} Antibody Dec 01, 07:40

people are saying that this thing might run 24 hours a day. did the avengers do that? {nm} miss amanda jones Dec 01, 09:59

4 am shows a week before Christmas? Probably not worth paying the ticket-takers. {nm} jjmarino Dec 01, 18:09

The 24-hour retrospective marathon is one thing. Running STAR7 24/7 is another. {nm} jjmarino Dec 01, 18:19

Could we break that down by screen average? Even getting to $200mil requires nearly $50k per screen. {nm} jjmarino Dec 01, 18:21

Divide $300mil by number of screens, and look at the per-screen average you're betting on. {nm} jjmarino Dec 01, 18:22

Under. $300m is ridiculous. {nm} RollingThunder Dec 01, 07:43

Under...but I'd be happy to be wrong. {nm} hyperzeitgeist Dec 01, 07:54

The last time a new no. 1 defeated the previous no. 1 by 45% was 1983, I think. But that win (for "Return of the Jedi") . . . second gary Dec 01, 07:58

I remember seeing Jedi in the theater and it was at 90% {nm} Bleachigo Dec 01, 08:00

Not for every screening in every theater, though. {nm} ndmaster Dec 01, 09:51

Under $200m {nm} MattW Dec 01, 08:01

Brave but silly. Gonna miss you in the port value leagues. :) {nm} Rocket123 aka PVL Admin Dec 01, 15:07

Come on people... This one isnt that hard to predict : 272.7 m OW :-) {nm} jmt-nl Dec 01, 08:19

Under {nm} gordon06 Dec 01, 08:25

Way Under. {nm} Initech Dec 01, 08:41

Under, but not by much. {nm} skunkrunner Dec 01, 08:57

under {nm} Dorfman. Dec 01, 09:01

Unless the entire coast get a huge snowstorm effect box office {nm} mike255 Dec 01, 09:46

I'll be the first to say it ndmaster Dec 01, 09:52

$325M Bleachigo Dec 01, 10:22

Would you reset your port if it doesn't open at $325M? {nm} Antibody Dec 01, 10:31

+1 {nm} jmt-nl Dec 01, 10:46

OK How about this..I will if it doesn't go over $300...but if it does go over $300 you reset yours? {nm} Bleachigo Dec 01, 12:31

I don't take bets as the moderator, but MattW has already agreed to reset his port if STAR7 opens above $200M. {nm} Antibody Dec 01, 12:39

Well there is your first "reset casualty" ...but I am interested in your guess? {nm} Bleachigo Dec 01, 12:46

You obviously don't know that my post is a joke. ndmaster Dec 01, 10:43

Under. Way under. And I can't wait until this film comes out to stop the onslaught of cross promotions (until the next one is released). {nm} skamanfu Dec 01, 10:06

+100000000 {nm} DTshakes Dec 01, 10:51

Oooh interesting thought mike255, didn't think about the weather..... hmmmm.... under 200 million {nm} Baron_Darcon Dec 01, 10:06

So Mike says 255 ? Is That what he says ? I say Higher {nm} jmt-nl Dec 01, 10:25

I never Said 255 for Star Wars. {nm} mike255 Dec 01, 15:40

im really hoping that it hits 300 but im not expecting it. not in december. in june or july it might have had a chance. under {nm} horrorfanatic Dec 01, 10:44

This is laughably high. Like, pee in a cup high. JoeMetz Dec 01, 11:10

Under, but think 250 is very feasible. {nm} CG63 Dec 01, 13:11

Under. {nm} numbersix_99 Dec 01, 14:26

SERIOUSLY?!?!! Over 300 OW? That's insane, even for someone who loves the franchise, I would be amazed if it doubled its inflationary valu Rocket123 aka PVL Admin Dec 01, 15:05

A shade under $300m {nm} RamsFan2004 Dec 01, 15:16

Under. {nm} jjmarino Dec 01, 18:06

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