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I often do that but not this one. I did that way back for T2 and my brother told me the spoilers as we were walking into the theater, that

Posted by: Baron_Darcon on Dec 18, 09:57 in response to Bleachigo's post Anyone else manage to avoid all trailers of STAR7?

really pissed me off.. He still hasn't lived it down.

Since I don't expect much from this I didn't mind the spoilers or guesses.

Anyone else manage to avoid all trailers of STAR7? Bleachigo Dec 18, 05:59

I made it! Only the teaser from last december and got to see the movie last night, unspoiled! {nm} masonacj Dec 18, 06:00

My hat goes off to both of you, I would never be able to do that, there were ads everywhere. The only time I did that was for Prometheus. bennyg1985 Dec 18, 06:08

Ironic because the trailer for Prometheus was better than the movie. {nm} RamsFan2004 Dec 18, 06:19

I had to close my ears a few times watching TV! {nm} masonacj Dec 18, 06:33

Congrats! But... Dales Dec 18, 06:18

+1 Agreed {nm} Dorfman Dec 18, 08:44

I've seen the two official US trailers, and 1 TV spot, and little else. Don't want to know until I see it. Best xmas present in years. {nm} BSmurf Dec 18, 06:25

I'm with you. Other than the first teaser and full trailer, I avoided EVERYTHING. Channel flipping. Eyes averting. Social media ignoring. {nm} sberg23 Dec 18, 07:40

I'm with you. Other than the first teaser and full trailer, I avoided EVERYTHING. Channel flipping. Eyes averting. Social media ignoring. {nm} sberg23 Dec 18, 07:40

Same as you, sberg23. I did that and it paid off, yesterday i've saw the movie and i've loved it. {nm} Filmstardust Dec 18, 08:01

I ran into a spoiler at work, bit gladly it wasn't the worst posible one. {nm} slappydavid Dec 18, 08:14

I managed to only see 2 trailers. {nm} Dorfman Dec 18, 08:43

There were quite a few of scenes and lines in trailers that weren't in the actual movie {nm} drakkar Dec 18, 09:42

I often do that but not this one. I did that way back for T2 and my brother told me the spoilers as we were walking into the theater, that Baron_Darcon Dec 18, 09:57

Saw about 10 seconds of the trailer on the stockpage, managed to duck and dodge mostly everything. Exogen Dec 18, 11:34

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