Relativity Studios Lands $400 Million Investment From Maple Leaf Films Mar 16, 14:51
Equity financing will fund 75 percent of studio’s film slate annually over the next five years {nm} Mar 16, 14:52
ugh, Canada {nm} Mar 16, 14:56
Canadian lives matter {nm} Mar 16, 15:15
not really {nm} Mar 16, 15:17
Canada is the U.S.'s largest customer, with sales of US$376 billion worth of goods in 2014. {nm} Mar 16, 15:26
Canada buys more from the United States than does any other nation – including all 28 countries of the European Union. {nm} Mar 16, 15:26
Nearly 9 million U.S. jobs depend on trade and investment with Canada {nm} Mar 16, 15:26
We exchange approximately $1.4 million in goods and services every minute. {nm} Mar 16, 15:27
Canada is currently the leading and most secure, reliable and competitive energy supplier to the United States {nm} Mar 16, 15:28
including of crude oil and refined petroleum products, natural gas, electricity and uranium. {nm} Mar 16, 15:28
Just to scrape the surface. {nm} Mar 16, 15:30
Canadians also have inferiority issues from having a giant neighbour, that causes them to bite too quickly ;) {nm} Mar 16, 15:33
I was using microagression defences Mar 16, 15:42
I suggest another path that showcases just how wrong pixie is in all things. Mar 16, 15:59
it's good to know who's going to be first up against the wall when the Trump Reich drives us all across the border {nm} Mar 16, 16:04
Too bad I've already arranged for you to be billeted in a certain Winnipeg basement. Mar 16, 16:25
Troll. {nm} Mar 16, 15:37
I am a USAdian {nm} Mar 16, 18:43
Mighty duck some competition. They can make maple leap hockey movie {nm} Mar 16, 15:21