HSX Forum


Because nobody would ever go for an R-rated comicbook movie. {nm}

Posted by: Bubba_Fett (a.k.a del_ZRK_Bubba_Fett) on Mar 16, 17:19 in response to slipping jimmy's post "Producer Joel Silver wants to tone it down for a...

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Grendel (GREND) 150000 22.31 (+1.58)          Gerard Butler (GBUTL) 25000 45.91 (-0.50)          Alicia Vikander (AVIKA) 25000 3.80 (-4.22)          Elsie Fisher (EFISH) 25000 61.33 (-0.25)          Halle Bailey (HBAIL) 25000 103.54 (+1.46)          Brian Cox (BCOX) 25000 9.17 (-3.12)          Fred Hechinger (FHECH) 25000 42.83 (+4.72)          Halle Bailey (HBAIL) 25000 103.54 (+1.46)          Halle Bailey (HBAIL) 25000 103.54 (+1.46)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          Scoot McNairy (SMCNA) 25000 45.55 (-0.71)          Zoe Saldana (ZSALD) 25000 132.36 (-0.66)          Scoot McNairy (SMCNA) 25000 45.55 (-0.71)          Selena Gomez (SGOME) 25000 88.82 (-0.50)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 149999 35.48 (-3.05)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 150000 35.48 (-3.05)          Russell Crowe (RCROW) 25000 60.51 (+0.22)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          Grendel (GREND) 150000 22.31 (+1.58)          Miranda Otto (MOTTO) 25000 13.24 (0.00)          Neal McDonough (NMCDO) 25000 23.61 (-0.50)          Grendel (GREND) 150000 22.31 (+1.58)          A Complete Unknown (GOELC) 150000 46.48 (-0.52)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 53.70 (-1.30)          Brian Cox (BCOX) 24999 9.17 (-3.12)          Brian Cox (BCOX) 25000 9.17 (-3.12)          Scoot McNairy (SMCNA) 25000 45.55 (-0.71)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 53.70 (-1.30)          Scoot McNairy (SMCNA) 25000 45.55 (-0.71)          Miranda Otto (MOTTO) 25000 13.24 (0.00)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          Cate Blanchett (CBLAN) 25000 8.66 (-16.63)          Untitled M. Night Shyamalan aka (GDGRD) 1000 21.37 (-0.02)          Fred Hechinger (FHECH) 25000 42.83 (+4.72)          Tika Sumpter (TSUMP) 25000 100.23 (+1.00)          Lurker (LURKR) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Alicia Vikander (AVIKA) 24999 3.80 (-4.22)          Dreams (DREMS) 500 2.21 (-0.01)          Thandiwe Newton (TNEWT) 25000 71.62 (+0.75)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 53.70 (-1.30)          Alessandro Nivola (ANIVO) 25000 9.95 (+1.79)          J.C. Chandor (JCCHA) 25000 10.26 (+0.55)          Jackie Chan (JCHAN) 25000 23.99 (-0.07)          Russell Crowe (RCROW) 25000 60.51 (+0.22)          Jackie Chan (JCHAN) 25000 23.99 (-0.07)          Russell Crowe (RCROW) 25000 60.51 (+0.22)          Brian Cox (BCOX) 25000 9.17 (-3.12)          Mads Mikkelsen (MMIKK) 25000 83.42 (+0.50)