I did as much research as I could, but would love to be disproved. (MORE) May 20, 09:18
this might help.... May 20, 09:24
That doesn' tell you when they were in the top 10. {nm} May 20, 09:25
this. might. HELP. May 20, 09:28
Well, that's freely available and sortable on BOM. {nm} May 20, 09:28
yes, that's where I got it from. however, you can't sort by date that I know of (which is why I posted it for him)... May 20, 09:32
just click on date and its sorts by date :-P {nm} May 20, 09:38
when you click it you get every film (most recent). I was showing just $300M films in my example. {nm} May 20, 09:41
Go to the Yearly. There are usually only 3-4 each years. May 20, 09:40
I'm aware of yearly searches on BOM. I was merely trying to help make the data available quickly to identify May 20, 09:48
*shrug. He said he already did research, which means he already have that data. {nm} May 20, 09:55
I don't think you can be guilty of helping too much. I didn't know any of this until I just read it. {nm} May 20, 23:44
that is off my blockbuster sheet (few links down). but keep in mind I do not have Captain or Jungle Book updated. May 20, 09:26
Yeah, that's the same thing I used to look. I think it's crazier that there are 5 in the top 20 though. May 20, 11:02
certainly something to appreciate. {nm} May 20, 11:08
Lat year there were 3 films in the top 13 - Aug 7-9 JURA5, Inside Out, Minions May 20, 12:20