HSX Forum


Critics {nm}

Posted by: PhoneHome on May 26, 05:39 in response to DTshakes' post Is that critics or audience score?

THR: 'Ghostbusters': How Sony Plans to Out-Slime the Online Haters notfabio May 25, 12:05

Sony claims they held two test screenings on May 21st and they..wait for it..."played through the roof!" {nm} notfabio May 25, 12:05

And also say the first Spider-Man trailer had 65% negative rating, Amazing Spider-Man 60% and Casino Royale 55% {nm} notfabio May 25, 12:07

I'd really like to see the source articles on that... I don't remember that at all. I thought the reaction for Spidey was mostly positive.. {nm} Baron_Darcon May 26, 04:35

How would they judge trailer reactions from the first spider-man trailer? No Youtube or similar site then. {nm} CoffinDancr May 26, 06:41

Five posts down. {nm} Antibody May 25, 12:08

MSNBC: Kind of spring-boards off the piece with interviews with Women and their opinions notfabio May 25, 13:09

And they don't quote a single sexist tweet or review? Hmm... {nm} leo21 May 26, 18:38

I'll go on record with a prediction of 14% tops, 7% likely of critics on the tomato meter. Any others? {nm} PhoneHome May 25, 12:55

Is that critics or audience score? {nm} DTshakes May 25, 18:23

Critics PhoneHome May 26, 05:39

But since I'm already out on a limb, alone, Naked and Afraid, I'll double down with the 7s and say 21-28% audience {nm} PhoneHome May 26, 05:56

I think critic score will be middling to good. Far higher than 14%. Audience score will be low, skewed by people who are mad {nm} Biff68 May 26, 07:36

yeah I don't see PFEIG and MMCCA putting out a 7% movie. 30s-40s seem a more likely worst case Rioter May 26, 09:11

Feig only thing that gives me hope that I'm wrong, but previews have shown no evidence. {nm} PhoneHome May 26, 09:19

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