DL: Sat pm update: XMEN6 77; ALCN2 34-34.5 {nm} May 29, 00:13
BOMBS AWAY! {nm} May 29, 00:24
i don't know about elsewhere but beaches opened here in NY today and we finally had nice weather. We have had a sucession of miserable ones. May 29, 01:45
I always thought it was the bombardier that yelled this, not the captain? {nm} May 29, 06:39
I hope this doesn't discourage the studio from doing another movie and possibly continuing the (spoilers) story... May 29, 01:24
We don't give a rat's potootie about creativity. Only profits. Make what makes us profits. {nm} May 29, 07:09
They already have 4 other franchises to work on... May 29, 05:36
And... May 29, 08:40
MIcronauts are part of a different shared movie universe with GIJoe, MASK, Rom: SpaceKnight, and Visionaries {nm} May 29, 12:01