I've got a top 12 - have to figure out how to knock off 2 :( {nm} Jun 23, 17:39
the bottom 10 are being harder for me, cuz so many duds ive forgotten. like I gave The Losers with Zoe Saldana a D- but Jun 23, 18:33
i just checked Kevin Smith's filmography over this century Jun 23, 18:44
lol. clerks 2 has a bit of dumb charm for me but yeah i can see that. (i checked tim burtons, but he just squeeked clear) {nm} Jun 23, 18:48
+ 1000. I'd do the same but I don't tihnk I've sat through any of his films this Century. {nm} Jun 24, 00:48
Yes; I think TWOWS and The Departed (and The Aviator) all go, and so far I think "Children of Men" is still in the game. Jun 23, 19:25
I'm eyeing zodiac as the last one out and just cant do it right now {nm} Jun 23, 19:31
yeah, agreed. he has tremendous taste in terms of picking roles {nm} Jun 23, 20:01
Didn't like any of those movies. Hmmm ... after seeing that list I'm now wondering why I keep watching his movies. {nm} Jun 23, 21:28
I think "Memento" is a lock. I saw it four times in the first week in theatres to try to get a grip on it. {nm} Jun 23, 21:49
Thinking of this makes me realize how many of my favorite films are actually from the 90's. {nm} Jun 23, 19:05
me too and the 70's but this century's top ten will be pretty strong {nm} Jun 23, 19:07
I've narrowed my list down to 12 foreign / art house titles and 13 U.S. / Hollywood mainstream titles. {nm} Jun 24, 08:23