HSX Forum


No, he's just confused in general. {nm}

Posted by: Hersheybar on Jul 16, 06:57 in response to Jay_Beezy's post He confused China with Japan. :P

DL: pets 15.3/50.6...ghostbusters 17.1/45 tealfan Jul 16, 01:38

1. This journalist called a 73% on RT "great reviews," and 2. Even he admits it's unlikely "Ghostbusters (2016)" sees a profit worldwide. {nm} chosenone2oo5 Jul 16, 01:44

What? I'm sorry, could your repeat that? {nm} pennystocks2 Jul 16, 04:59

1. This journalist called a 73% on RT "great reviews," and 2. Even he admits it's unlikely "Ghostbusters (2016)" sees a profit worldwide. {nm} chosenone2oo5 Jul 16, 01:44

Wow! Not even a worldwide profit. But the Chinese love ghost movies. It should be a blockbuster in China. Is this a woman thing? {nm} pennystocks2 Jul 16, 05:03

The bad thing about using RT as an indicator, is that anyone can post a rating. Even if they haven't seen the movie. {nm} pennystocks2 Jul 16, 05:07

No. The 73% RT is only film critics. {nm} Antibody Jul 16, 08:08

Replace the word "anyone" with "they". Meaning film critics. {nm} pennystocks2 Jul 16, 08:29

Film Critics can't just can't post a rating, they have to passed RT's criteria, and certainly not if they haven't seen the movie. Antibody Jul 16, 08:40

Thank you for the link. Sounds like it's more credible than I gave it credit for. {nm} pennystocks2 Jul 16, 09:44

As a still accredited RT critic, I can assure you there's a fairly strict methodology for getting accredited by RT EdwardHavens Jul 16, 13:32

It isn't being shown in China. They don't like ghost movies. They didn't see the original either. {nm} stevie1der328 Jul 16, 05:21

I didn't know that. Thanks for the info. That could be the problem. {nm} pennystocks2 Jul 16, 05:36

He confused China with Japan. :P {nm} Jay_Beezy Jul 16, 06:42

No, he's just confused in general. Hersheybar Jul 16, 06:57

Actually he's right Hersheyboy. It's the Chinese Government that bans 1.4 Billion Chinese from watching ghost/supernatural movies. one_cent_girl Jul 16, 07:27

I was referring to chosenone. {nm} Hersheybar Jul 16, 07:55

I confused chosenone with someone else. OK HB. {nm} one_cent_girl Jul 16, 08:10

Yeah, I guess that's a semantic argument in terms of love to make them vs. love to watch them. Jay_Beezy Jul 16, 16:05

Sony hasn't submitted the film to the Chinese regulators yet, according to some, and the film hasn't been officially denied yet EdwardHavens Jul 16, 13:36

Umm--yes it really has. Link inside. Read thoroughly. chosenone2oo5 Jul 17, 11:30

Do comedies ever do well in China? I always thought it was just action films. {nm} Biff68 Jul 16, 07:45

cinemascore B+ (A- with the under 25) {nm} tealfan Jul 16, 03:35

so the youngens liked it, nice. they get to enjoy the classic plus a fresh take, sounds like a win-win for young moviegoers. {nm} islander Jul 16, 06:00

D'Alessandro points out that four MMCAR comedies have had domestic final / OW multipliers over 3.8. If GHST3 were to manage this. . . second gary Jul 16, 05:50

The relevant question is will its brand name put a damper on that? Jay_Beezy Jul 16, 06:37

Going to be tough with the kind of compeition it has coming up... ~JPV~ Jul 16, 06:39

The perceived sequel / serial feature I think is a damper, but competition (I feel) is a perennial non-factor. second gary Jul 16, 06:54

Time is one thing, money is another. {nm} ~JPV~ Jul 16, 07:01

We'd need an assessment of class and filmgoing to know if the cost of seeing a movie has any bearing. {nm} second gary Jul 16, 07:22

No we don't. Seems to me people will make a choice of seeing one movie in a weekend. {nm} ~JPV~ Jul 16, 07:34

I thought you were speculating something else. {nm} second gary Jul 16, 08:48

Competition matters for screen counts. Have you seen the empty theater twitter posts? It won't stay above 2500 screen for long {nm} Fitch3k Jul 16, 13:08

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