Friday Estimates from BoxOffice: Bridget Jones 3.04M, Snowden 3.035M, Hillsong 628k, Sully $6.57, Don't Breathe and Bough $1.64 Sep 17, 08:15
Just added Blair Witch $4.067 Friday {nm} Sep 17, 08:16
IMO, the big "winner" of the weekens is Snowden. I almost thought it could approach Blackhat numbers. {nm} Sep 17, 08:18
I agree.. it's not going to make $10 million but it won't make much less than the other two, as most expected. {nm} Sep 17, 08:19
Snowden may hold the best, as well, and beat the others in box office by the end of its run... {nm} Sep 17, 10:41
Does Snowden include early week fathom numbers? Sep 17, 09:02
Snowden is the only wide opener that's not a past-sell-date sequel ... Sep 17, 16:29