Alice midnights - any word on how it performed yet? {nm} Mar 05, 13:33
Looks like about 4.5-5.5 million. {nm} Mar 05, 13:54
How does it compare to Avatar/Star Trek? (Can't remember, did STar Trek open at 10PM?) {nm} Mar 05, 13:58
Star Trek did pre-midnights. AVATAR did 3.5 million from midnights. {nm} Mar 05, 14:08
STAR TREK did 4 million. {nm} Mar 05, 14:09
So we're looking at maybe $80 million if the midnights carry through and there isn't a "kids' movie bump" on Saturday. {nm} Mar 05, 14:11
I don't think we can extrapolate this early, but the guessing game is always good game.. :-) {nm} Mar 05, 14:30
ty {nm} Mar 05, 14:01
Here's a useful Twitter search I saved Mar 05, 17:03