HSX Forum


Looks spectacular! {nm}

Posted by: BionicMoron on Feb 12, 05:28 in response to Oleg Max's post SD: First look at Ben Foster in Galveston [GALVS]

SD: First look at Ben Foster in Galveston [GALVS] Oleg Max Feb 12, 05:17

Looks spectacular! BionicMoron Feb 12, 05:28

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Stuntnuts: The Movie (STUNT) 10000 19.94 (+0.04)          Sovereign (SOVRN) 4000 3.57 (-0.02)          Play Dirty (PLDRT) 20000 18.81 (0.00)          Stuntnuts: The Movie (STUNT) 1 19.94 (+0.04)          Sunflower (SFLWR) 2000 9.11 (-0.02)          Verity (VERTY) 4999 34.12 (-0.01)          Night of the Zoopocalypse (NOTZP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 1000 17.70 (-0.02)          Onslaught (ONSLT) 20000 14.00 (-0.12)          Nuremberg (NUREM) 1000 12.01 (-0.02)          Momo (MOMO) 150000 8.00 (0.00)          The Matrix 5 (MTRX5) 8 37.26 (-0.10)          Metal Men (METAL) 1000 12.30 (-0.02)          Antarctica (ANTRC) 150000 12.01 (-0.50)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 5000 460.78 (-0.02)          Home (HOME1) 1000 17.38 (-0.02)          Angelina Jolie (AJOLI) 25000 68.41 (+0.75)          Verity (VERTY) 4999 34.12 (-0.01)          Headhunters (HDHUN) 25001 23.05 (-0.03)          Angela Bassett (ABASS) 25000 206.37 (+1.00)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 1 31.54 (-2.66)          Frozen Hell (FRZNH) 10000 1.18 (-0.02)          Dracula - A Love Tale (DRALT) 1000 10.54 (-0.02)          Michael Bay (MBAY) 25000 89.96 (+1.00)          The Unbreakable Boy (UNBOY) 100 9.11 (+0.03)          The Division (DIVSN) 10000 0.10 (-0.01)          The Chain (CHAIN) 2000 7.60 (-0.02)          Jon Watts (JWATT) 25000 148.81 (+1.33)          Companion H$10 Call (CMPAN.CA) 25000 2.50 (+0.50)          One Punch Man (1PMAN) 1000 15.25 (-0.02)          The Gallerist (GALRS) 1000 16.14 (-0.03)          Onslaught (ONSLT) 20000 14.00 (-0.12)          Crime 101 (CRIM1) 1000 25.23 (-0.03)          Heads of State (HDSST) 1000 14.62 (-0.04)          Gravity Rush (GRVTR) 1000 15.26 (-0.04)          A Life of Jesus (ALJES) 1000 14.86 (-0.04)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 75000 14.44 (-1.06)          Panic Carefully (PNCRF) 1000 17.28 (-0.06)          Jane (JANE1) 1000 18.67 (-0.06)          Gremlins 3 (GREM3) 30000 7.09 (+1.92)          Ballerina Overdrive (BALOD) 1000 11.76 (-0.06)          Stepdude aka Oh Hell No (OHELN) 20000 4.63 (+0.11)          Companion H$10 Call (CMPAN.CA) 25000 2.50 (+0.50)          Onslaught (ONSLT) 1000 14.00 (-0.12)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 20000 29.55 (-0.14)          Lilo & Stitch (LILST) 150000 201.96 (+0.16)          Captain America: Brave New World (CAPA4) 10000 207.28 (-0.64)          Hourman (HRMAN) 1000 17.86 (-0.13)          The Drama (TDRAM) 1000 17.32 (-0.18)          Untitled Monsterverse Godzilla x (GOKO3) 75000 128.60 (-0.61)