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TB: WB is moving aggressively to lock in Jordan Peele to direct [AKIRA]
Posted by: Antibody on Mar 29, 23:41
Tag(s): AKIRA
TB: WB is moving aggressively to lock in Jordan Peele to direct [AKIRA] Antibody Mar 29, 23:41
i mean, great for him but . . . is he really an anime guy? {nm} slipping jimmy Mar 29, 23:43
devil's advocate: was he really a horror guy? {nm} tealfan Mar 30, 12:54
from the K&P sketches, that was more obvious than comic stuff. and Get Out's budget was only $4.5m. this is an order of magnitude greater {nm} slipping jimmy Mar 30, 15:08
ah...more at stake...hopefully not just a flavor-of-the-month decision then {nm} tealfan Mar 30, 17:18
is it mandatory to have a healthy sized side sick in female multi starrers now ? {nm} bunty_ketti Mar 30, 04:38
seriously? With the reception of ghost in the shell, the whitewashing.... milescca Mar 30, 06:29
I know right! I still shake my fist at the gods for Kurasawa's Throne of Blood! Shakespeare rolled over in his grave! {nm} Catzan Mar 30, 09:25
lol {nm} tealfan Mar 30, 12:53
Seems like a great fit to me. From seeing K&P bits over the years, Jordan knows nerdy stuff very well. I'd love to see his take on this. {nm} MiyazakiFan Mar 30, 07:38
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