On Captain America and the John Krasinski haters Mar 09, 13:18
thanks, John Krasinksi! {nm} Mar 09, 13:20
Anytime! {nm} Mar 09, 13:53
1) Why not hire Xiao Ming then? 2) Why not hire Steve Carell then? 3) Why not hire Michael Keaton then? Mar 09, 13:23
1) Azn 2) Short 3) Old {nm} Mar 09, 13:25
1) You said tall 2) You said name recognition 3) You said Michael Ketaon. Mar 09, 13:29
Why suckage? {nm} Mar 09, 13:30
the picture on your profile was all i needed to see. that color is nice on Halpert. {nm} Mar 09, 13:34
How bad can he be? He's marrying Emily Blunt :) {nm} Mar 09, 13:51
Too bad she dropped out as Black Widow or they could've been in AVNGR together. {nm} Mar 09, 14:00
why you be trollin mah boards homes? Mar 09, 14:13
thats just asinine reasoning. "he will bring more to the role" just like leatherhads huh? this guy lacks the presence to be in the same Mar 09, 14:41