HSX Forum


Summer Pick 5: breathe...just breathe...it's time to make your picks...what is this?...more info inside...

Posted by: tealfan on Apr 30, 10:58

This is something I do every summer just for the fun of it.  Guess what 5 summer movies will be tops in box office and in what order they'll finish in.  You get 1 point for each one you correctly get in the Top 5, and an additional point for each one in the right position.  New this year is your prediction for the total box office of "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" through Labor Day.  That's only used if we need a 3rd tiebreaker (more about tiebreakers below).

One entry per person.  Remember that it's based on total domestic box office.  Although, by Labor Day weekend we usually can tell the Top 5 can't change any further.  Usually.  I'm using BOM's definition of a summer movie: movies released from the first Friday in May through Labor Day Weekend.

I'll be taking entries from now until 10 AM Pacific on Friday, May 5 (when Opening Weekend Warrants halt).  For scoring updates throughout the summer, KaiGee will again be hosting the Summer Pick 5 page. Thanks, KaiGee!

1) Most in Top 5.
2) Most in correct postion.
3) Closest to total actual box office of "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" through Labor Day to the neareast dollar.  NEW!  BE SURE TO INCLUDE WITH YOUR PICKS!

I'm pleased to announce that this year we again have prizes.  Made possible by the kind generosity of lobogotti!  First place gets a $75 Amazon gift card.  Second place gets a $25 Amazon gift card.

Please post your picks and GOTG2 prediction under this thread.  Please use ticker symbols as much as possible.  Please have fun.  :D

Summer Pick 5: breathe...just breathe...it's time to make your picks...what is this?...more info inside... tealfan Apr 30, 10:58

SPID6 WONDR DESM3 GOTG2 TFRM5 356,100,101 {nm} tealfan Apr 30, 10:58

GOTG2 WONDR SPID6 DESM3 TFRM5 $348,528,657 {nm} ~JPV~ Apr 30, 11:03

Upping my box office for Guardians to 372,542,985 {nm} ~JPV~ Apr 30, 14:53

GOTG2 WONDR DESM3 TFRM5 PIRT5 {nm} joeoftexas Apr 30, 11:20

Closest to total actual box office of "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" through Labor Day to the neareast dollar: $401,401,401.40 {nm} joeoftexas Apr 30, 11:26

GOTG2 DESM3 WONDR SPID6 TFRM5 365247180 {nm} KaiGee Apr 30, 11:32

GOTG2 SPID6 DESM3 WONDR PIRT5 $389,000,000 {nm} DeanB Apr 30, 11:32

GOTG2,SPID6,DESM3,APES3,CARS3 422,345.00 {nm} gogreenytd Apr 30, 11:43

GOTG2,SPID6,DESM3,APES3,CARS3 $413M {nm} Colt 1911 Apr 30, 12:27

GOTG2,SPID6,DESM3,WONDR,APES3 422,345.00 CORRECT ONE {nm} gogreenytd May 03, 13:07

GOTG2 DESM3 SPID6 WONDR CARS3 $412,500,000 {nm} journey Apr 30, 11:44

GOTG2 SPID6 DESM3 WONDR TFRM5 $404,375,261.03 {nm} diamondman56 Apr 30, 11:49

DESM3 GOTG2 SPID6 APES3 WONDR $316,083,583 {nm} jamesbik333 Apr 30, 12:02

Typo S/B $366,083,583 not $316,083,583 thanks {nm} jamesbik333 Apr 30, 12:06

GOTG2 SPID6 WONDR DESM3 TFRM5 ...$425 mill {nm} RazorHawk Apr 30, 12:21

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, APES3 $403,212,177 {nm} mantleclinic Apr 30, 12:33

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID3, WONDR, TRFM5, $413M {nm} click999 Apr 30, 12:41

oops...you're gonna have to refine your GOTG2 prediction since Colt 1911 already has 413 {nm} tealfan Apr 30, 12:43

$412.99M {nm} click999 Apr 30, 13:44

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, TFRM5, WONDR...414 mill {nm} JMT-NL Apr 30, 12:44

DESM3 GOTG2 SPID6 WONDR CARS3...363,487,453 {nm} sphere Apr 30, 12:51

GOTG2, DESM2, SPID6, WONDR, CARS3 billy Apr 30, 12:52

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, CARS3 $380,312,500 {nm} 2015 Apr 30, 13:09

DESM3,GTOG2,PIRT5,CARS3,MUMMY, 296 {nm} Initech Apr 30, 13:17

GOTG2 .... DESM3 .... SPID6 .... WONDR .... CARS3 .... $365m MattW Apr 30, 13:31

GOTG2, DESM2, SPID6, WONDR, TFRM5 $424 mill {nm} Randy666 Apr 30, 14:07

GOTG2, WONDR, DESM3, SPID6, TFRM5 $428,134,619 {nm} lobogotti Apr 30, 14:08

SPID6 ,GOTG2 ,DESM3 ,WONDR ,TFRM5. 362M {nm} Skyllama Apr 30, 14:11

DESM3, GOTG2, SPID6, CARS3, WONDR $404,621,682 {nm} Judgement_Death Apr 30, 14:15

GOTG2 / WONDR / SPID6 / BAYWT / EMOJI {nm} shadomoon Apr 30, 15:25

Guardians 2 - 402,117,000 -- baby Groot bringing in the $$ {nm} shadomoon Apr 30, 15:28

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, DUNKR, $384.0M {nm} ShawnMR Apr 30, 15:30

DESM3, GOTG2, SPID6, WONDR, CARS3 $399,999,999 {nm} Wrath_crfd Apr 30, 16:43

GOTG2, WONDR, SPID6, DESM3, BAYWT {nm} Bronzey Apr 30, 16:44

GOTG2 gross $401M (sorry) {nm} Bronzey Apr 30, 16:45

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, CARS3 $370,853,152 {nm} gsquared Apr 30, 16:54

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, CARS3 $453,853,152 {nm} gsquared May 03, 16:16

GOTG2 DESM3 SPID6 PIRT5 TFRM5 and $435 million for GOTG2 {nm} TFeeney Apr 30, 17:45

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, TFRM5 $412,269.034 {nm} nummy Apr 30, 18:21

GOTG2, DESM3, CARS3, SPID6, WONDR, $421,998,344 {nm} Jovus Apr 30, 18:22

GOTG2, WONDR, DESM3, SPID6, TFRM5 $431,637,015 {nm} helmetz Apr 30, 18:52

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, CARS3 - $427,550,000 {nm} FabioParme Apr 30, 19:00

WONDR, GOTG2, DESM3, MUMY4, DUNKR $312,500,000 {nm} Snidly Apr 30, 19:03

C'mon Snidly, post something else. I'm closing in on you, very slowly though. KaiGee May 01, 21:33

DESM3, GOTG2, SPID6, WONDR, TFRM5 $423,550,550 {nm} DanU Apr 30, 19:37

GOTG2, DESM3, TFRM5, SPID6, CARS3 $391,000,000 {nm} bennyg1985 Apr 30, 20:09

GOTG2,DESM3,WONDR,SPID6,TFRM5 $408,622 {nm} tallbridge Apr 30, 20:52

GOTG2 total should read $408,622,000 {nm} tallbridge Apr 30, 20:55

SPID6, WONDR, GOTG2, DESM3, PIRT5 $347M {nm} oneman Apr 30, 21:06

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, CARS3, $389MM {nm} bstallard Apr 30, 21:20

GOTG2, DESM3, TRSF5, SPID6, PRIT5. $434,000,000.00 GOTG2 gross. {nm} RoBoGuru Apr 30, 21:34

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, CARS3 -- 432,000,000 {nm} vadym Apr 30, 23:15

GOTG2, SPID6, DESM3, WONDR, CARS3, $406,327,918 {nm} austpow May 01, 00:40

SPID6, GOTG2, WONDR, DESM3, TFRM5: $402,534,726.13 {nm} tatoufan May 01, 03:38

GOTG2, SPID6, APES3, CARS3, MUMY4, $405,500,000 {nm} Chondog May 01, 05:05

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, APES3, $405m {nm} numbersix_99 May 01, 05:05

DESM3, GOTG2, WONDR, APES3, PIRT5, $390m {nm} avandelay May 01, 05:46

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, CARS3 $420,000,000.oo {nm} DTshakes May 01, 06:44

GOTG2, DESM3, MUMY4, PIRT5, WONDR $427,235,753 {nm} albrown May 01, 08:24

GOTG, DESM3, SPID6, CARS3, TFRM5, $412m {nm} Paul2k May 01, 09:40

GoG2, Cars 3, Pirates of the Caribean, Despicable 3, Spiderman $426,367,975 {nm} Brent_Owen May 01, 09:58

DESM3,SPID6,TFRM5,GOTG2,WONDR,339,499,000 {nm} blaze223 May 01, 11:44

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, APES3, $419M {nm} benz0 May 01, 13:22

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, CARS3 $405,630,000 {nm} tomcat90 May 01, 13:35

gO {nm} mexgoer33 May 01, 13:55

GOTG2, SPID6, DESM3, WONDR, TFRM5, 435,675,397 {nm} mexgoer33 May 01, 14:01

GOTG2, SPID6, WONDR, DESM3, TFRM5, $405,666,000 {nm} Nigel_Ray May 01, 15:49

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, PIRT5, $377,777,777 {nm} slappydavid May 01, 16:08

GOTG, DESM3, SPID6, CARS3, TFRM5, $398.50m {nm} grammar May 01, 17:00

GOTG2, DESM3, WONDR, SPID6, and PIRT5-369,555,129 {nm} Fechin May 01, 17:38

GOTG2, DESM3, WONDR, SPID6, TFRM5 ($395,000,000.01) {nm} doitdoitdoitnow May 01, 17:47

GOTG2, SPID6, DESM3, WONDR, TFRM5, 436,000,000 {nm} TJNFL1 May 01, 18:53

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, CARS3, WONDR, $403,010,454 {nm} Professor Frink May 01, 23:23

GOTG2, DESM3,CARS3,WONDR,PIRT5-410,800 {nm} tradermark May 02, 00:56

GOTG2, SPID6, DESM3, TFRM5, WONDR 397,714,225 {nm} islander May 02, 05:36

hiya teal! can i just update my $ amount to $353,000,000? thanks (and should the cut off have been a day earlier, so we dont all rush to islander May 05, 05:32

GOTG2, DESM3, WONDR, SPID6, CARS3 $365,547,381 {nm} Alternative Facts May 02, 05:52

GOTG2, CARS3, SPID6, WONDR, APES3, $373,736,221 {nm} srrichardson May 02, 07:50

GOTG2, WONDR, DESM3, SPID6, Cars3. $400,000,000.00 {nm} ZedRedliner May 02, 10:59

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, TFRM5, 414.44 {nm} Oleg Max May 02, 12:59

SPID6, WONDR, GOTG2, DESM3, CARS3 $405.70m {nm} lesana May 02, 14:03

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, PIRT5 $362,494,260 {nm} lapuckfan May 02, 14:33

GOTG2, WONDR, DESM3, SPID6, TRFM5 - $401,800,000 {nm} thefootballfreak May 02, 15:50

GOTG2, SPID6, DESM3, CARS3, WONDR 595,000,000 {nm} Steved1998 May 02, 15:57

GOTG2, DESM3, CARS3, SPID6, WONDR. $440,000,000 {nm} BelizeIt May 02, 23:16

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, CARS3 ~ 407,300,001 {nm} Wellespring May 03, 08:58

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, PIRT5, $401, 010.101 {nm} goodvibe61 May 03, 11:35

GOTG2,SPID6,DESM3,WONDR,APES3 422,345.00 (if I can change it this would be it) {nm} gogreenytd May 03, 12:31

GTOG2, SPID6, DESM3, TFRM5, WONDR, $442,000,000 {nm} nat1kos May 03, 13:07

GTOG2, DESM3, WONDR, SPID6, DUNKR ($462,000,000) {nm} ladybegood May 03, 13:37

GOTG2, SPID6, DESM3, WONDR, CARS3, 384,744,000 {nm} daveart May 03, 14:01

edit - SPID6, GOTG2, DESM3, WONDR, TFRM5 - 315 {nm} daveart May 05, 09:26

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, TFRM5, $399,000,007 {nm} PhoneHome May 03, 15:01

$427,000,007 {nm} PhoneHome May 04, 20:57

GOTG2, DESM3, DUNKR, APES3, EMOJI (GOTG2 - $426,177,583) {nm} GBlaylock May 03, 17:14

GOTG2, WONDR, DESM3, SPID6, TFRM5, $375,000,000 {nm} Andre C May 03, 21:06

GOTG2, DESM3, WONDR, SPID6, TFRM5, $412,200,000 {nm} Filmstardust May 03, 21:56

GOTG2, WONDR, DESM3, SPID6, PIRT5 (GOTG2 - 393,363,393) {nm} shadowking13 May 04, 12:16

Edit - WONDR, DESM3, GOTG2, SPID6, PIRT5 (GOTG2 - 333,363,393) {nm} shadowking May 05, 09:00

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, PIRT5 $402,562,000 {nm} Lindz2017 May 04, 13:14

please cancel that last post {nm} Lindz2017 May 04, 13:19

hi Lindz...so did you want us to use the post right below?...time-stamped 13:39? {nm} tealfan May 04, 15:22

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, PIRT5 $404,566,000 {nm} Lindz2017 May 04, 13:39

DESM3, GOTG2, WONDR, APES3, SPID6, $425,000,000 RickandMorty May 04, 15:00

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, CARS3, TFRM5 387,527,888 {nm} skunkrunner May 04, 15:34

Revised to $347,369,231 {nm} skunkrunner May 05, 09:28

DESM3, GOTG2, SPID6, WONDR, CARS3, $350M {nm} warcraft86 May 04, 20:53

GOTG2, SPID6, DESM3, WONDR, TFRM3 ($414,068,146) {nm} Catzan May 04, 21:22

Hmmm...2nd thoughts... $370,743,896. {nm} Catzan May 04, 23:06

GOTG2 DESM3 SPID6 APES3 WONDR $400,100,001 {nm} JDolphin May 04, 22:22

DESM3, GOTG2, WONDR, DUNKR, MUMY4, $364.25m. Qix May 04, 22:39

GOTG2, DESM3, WONDR,SPID6, DUNKR, 420,228,152 {nm} djgrimlok May 05, 03:41

GOTG2, SPID6, DESM3, WONDR, PIRT5 {nm} arbybaker May 05, 05:35

GOTG2 tie breaker: 442.08 {nm} arbybaker May 05, 05:36

GOTG2 TFRM5 DUNKR WONDR SPID6 -- ($392,439,076) {nm} RamsFan2004 May 05, 05:49

GOTG2 DESM3 SPID6 WONDR TFRM5; $404,434,344 {nm} sloopsjohng May 05, 05:52

GOTG2 DESM3 SPID6 WONDR APES3 $459,017,005 {nm} aaronl5 May 05, 06:16

DESM3, GOTG2, WONDR, SPID6, CARS3 $384,291,776 {nm} Baron_Darcon2017 May 05, 07:33

DESM3, GOTG2, WONDR, SPID6, CARS3 $436,291,776 {nm} Baron_Darcon2017 May 05, 08:10

DESM3, GOTG2, SPID6, TFRM5, WONDR. $358M {nm} RogerMore May 05, 07:36

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, —$422,500,128 {nm} the_treachery_of_images May 05, 08:39

er.. left one off. GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, WONDR, CARS4 —$422,500,128 {nm} the_treachery_of_images May 05, 08:41

GOTG2 DESM3 SPID6 WONDR TRFM5 $360M {nm} HurricaneKid May 05, 08:44

GOTG2, DESM3, SPID6, TFRM5, CARS3 - 357,750,000.00 {nm} RotoHockey2013MainPort May 05, 09:48

GOTG2 DESM3 SPID6 CARS4 WONDR , $412,357,982 {nm} Pepe_Nolan May 05, 10:03

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Tony Jaa (TJAA) 1 16.63 (-0.10)          Tom Hooper (THOOP) 1 75.39 (-0.50)          Thomas Mann (THOMA) 1 24.81 (+0.12)          Remain aka Untitled Shyamalan Sp (REMAN) 71951 51.06 (+5.26)          Tom Hollander (THOLL) 1 60.43 (+0.50)          Thomas Haden Church (THCHU) 1 83.08 (-0.75)          Todd Haynes (THAYN) 1 7.28 (0.00)          Lilo & Stitch (LILST) 4 238.60 (+1.89)          T.I. Tip Harris (THARR) 1 55.57 (+0.17)          Tiffany Haddish (THADD) 1 44.74 (0.00)          40 Acres (40ACR) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Wonka 2 (WONK2) 5 111.05 (+2.59)          Taylor Hackford (THACK) 1 23.12 (0.00)          Topher Grace (TGRAC) 1 27.70 (-0.25)          Tony Goldwyn (TGOLD) 1 59.28 (0.00)          Terry Gilliam (TGILL) 1 9.72 (0.00)          Barron's Cove (BCOVE) 150000 0.95 (-0.05)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51.OW) 82000 5.00 (0.00)          The Woman in the Yard - Opening (TWITY.OW) 38000 10.00 (0.00)          The Woman in the Yard H$10 Put (TWITY.PU) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          The Woman in the Yard H$10 Call (TWITY.CA) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          A Working Man - Opening Weekend (LEVON.OW) 100000 10.00 (0.00)          40 Acres (40ACR) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          A Working Man H$10 Put (LEVON.PU) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          A Working Man H$10 Call (LEVON.CA) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          The Woman in the Yard - Opening (TWITY.OW) 100000 10.00 (0.00)          Death Of A Unicorn - Opening Wee (DUNIC.OW) 10000 10.00 (0.00)          Novocaine H$10 Put (NOVCN.PU) 25000 1.90 (-0.70)          The Woman in the Yard H$10 Call (TWITY.CA) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          A Working Man - Opening Weekend (LEVON.OW) 100000 10.00 (0.00)          A Working Man H$10 Call (LEVON.CA) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          Smile 3 (SMIL3) 26314 43.82 (+0.15)          Death Of A Unicorn H$10 Put (DUNIC.PU) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          Death Of A Unicorn - Opening Wee (DUNIC.OW) 100000 10.00 (0.00)          Death Of A Unicorn H$10 Call (DUNIC.CA) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          Novocaine - Opening Weekend (NOVCN.OW) 100000 8.83 (+1.37)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part 1 (TCS51.OW) 100000 5.00 (0.00)          A Working Man - Opening Weekend (LEVON.OW) 100000 10.00 (0.00)          Death Of A Unicorn H$10 Call (DUNIC.CA) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBTQ) 16468 34.79 (+0.21)          40 Acres (40ACR) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Opus (OPUS) 150000 14.36 (-1.17)          Opus (OPUS) 150000 14.36 (-1.17)          The Woman in the Yard - Opening (TWITY.OW) 100000 10.00 (0.00)          40 Acres (40ACR) 102000 2.00 (0.00)          The Wrong Girl (TWRNG) 97785 12.26 (+2.19)          I Can Only Imagine 2 (ICOI2) 150000 31.37 (+1.33)          I Can Only Imagine 2 (ICOI2) 150000 31.37 (+1.33)          Remain aka Untitled Shyamalan Sp (REMAN) 11000 51.06 (+5.26)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 150000 24.96 (+0.02)