What does internet porn got to do with it? See 50 Shades. {nm} May 25, 14:33
havent seen it, but ive heard there is no female nudity in baywatch at all {nm} May 25, 15:11
Baywatch TV series didn't have nudity so not sure why any one would go expecting nudity. {nm} May 25, 15:38
One of the original TV series producers wanted to basically remake THE GUARDIAN instead. May 25, 14:57
If they could've made the sexy, unfunny version of "The Guardians," that certainly would've had more going for it than THIS version. May 25, 15:05
21JST $138M and 21JS2 $192M are the reason BAYWT got made. {nm} May 25, 15:30
Dammit I hate it when you're right. {nm} May 25, 18:05
It's not relevant and should never have been made. {nm} May 25, 16:22
Manageable budget w/GA incentives + big intl stars. Easy money. Dirty grandpa even made almost $100mm {nm} May 25, 21:12