OQ Gutchecks - Short CLDCT at the moment, EMOJI looks right, no play. No huge profits this weekend. {nm} Jul 28, 07:54
Same... but there's also a third OW-check today: Detroit . Not playing that either... priced about right i think {nm} Jul 28, 08:03
Just checked me portfolio. I have Detroit OW long. Keeping it... i feel iT might surprise {nm} Jul 28, 08:07
It's opening limited today, 20 theaters {nm} Jul 28, 08:09
EMOJI doesn't look right at all. Even if opening is right, next week's drop will be insane {nm} Jul 28, 08:24
But for .OW warrants, the opening weekend # is all that matters. {nm} Jul 28, 11:10
I have 2 shorts {nm} Jul 28, 09:00
EMOJI currently at 3% with 1 technically fresh review, though the person gave it a 3/5 and says it was "meh" High praise. Jul 28, 11:34
I think there's a more than decent chance that it finishes below CLDCT of OW {nm} Jul 28, 11:42