What the HELL happened today?!!! 3mil loss! Aug 12, 11:15
Sell off of high priced stocks with far off release dates to buy WOND2 IPO. Not unusual for big IPO's. {nm} Aug 12, 11:17
It has nothing to do with the IPO. Seasonal adjustment. Aug 12, 11:18
Whatever the cause, my port runs red with the blood of studio tentpoles. {nm} Aug 12, 11:31
Nope. Seasonal adjustment. Aug 12, 11:42
what is seasonal adjustment? {nm} Aug 12, 12:29
It's a bit of a joke whenever we get these high priced IPOs. I am a bit surprised at how drastic the drops are. Aug 12, 12:37
All the small ports sell/cover everything they own to buy one stock, today's IPO. I don't get the logic {nm} Aug 12, 12:48
Anyone having to sell off tentpole stocks to buy WOND2, shouldn't be holding those stocks in the first place. {nm} Aug 12, 13:21
The second one in short order as well. GOTG3 debuted on the exchange recently as well. {nm} Aug 13, 06:04
6.6 here. Yuck. {nm} Aug 12, 11:35
Must have forgot the memo...................what's the sell off? {nm} Aug 12, 12:06
Today's HSX sell off is due to bad weather. {nm} Aug 12, 14:49
Also due to the North Korea situation, most likely... Aug 12, 14:50
There's also that eclipse next week so... {nm} Aug 12, 14:51
One of the worst sell offs in quite a while. Traders love WW I guess. {nm} Aug 12, 15:20
Have to think one difference from last week's IPO (GOTG3) is WOND2 has a release date. {nm} Aug 12, 15:27
(GOTG3) might have slurped up the Cash On Hand with many Ports who now had the Sell in order to Buy. {nm} Aug 12, 17:05
Very true. {nm} Aug 12, 22:25
No big deal, actually good buying opportunity imo {nm} Aug 12, 15:42
Amazing how it's reflecting on funds, I had never seen them almost all in the red {nm} Aug 12, 17:25
I don't remember a bigger drop like this in the last two years... 3.3 down. Hate those tiny ports. {nm} Aug 12, 19:14
I blame the failed environmental policies of the Bush administration. Aug 12, 22:55
It's the Wonder Woman IPO {nm} Aug 12, 22:58
Negative $7.9 mil my final tally when trading ended for the day. Ugh 😑 {nm} Aug 13, 07:16