HSX Forum


everything looking good so far? {nm}

Posted by: islndr (a.k.a del_CHG_islander2) on Oct 31, 10:40 in response to KaiGee's post I received a pick by email: shades33, STAR8, JLEAG,...

> Winter Pick 7 Contest thread!!! Details inside... islndr Oct 30, 15:40

islander, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, DDLM, JUMNJ, PTCP3, 305206107 {nm} islndr Oct 30, 15:40

STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, JUMNJ, PTCP3, DDLM 312,414,968 {nm} mantleclinic Oct 30, 16:10

mantleclinic, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, JUMNJ, PTCP3, DDLM, 312,414,968 {nm} mantleclinic Oct 31, 05:28

gsquared, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, PTCP3, JUMNJ, BPNTH, DDLM, 323012030 {nm} gsquared Oct 30, 16:20

RazorHawk, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, DDLM, JUMNJ, PTCP3, 275000000 {nm} RazorHawk Oct 30, 16:36

mexgoer33: STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, BPNTH, DDLM, PTCP3, TGSOE {nm} mexgoer33 Oct 30, 16:41

Sorry. Forgot the Tie Braker: 285,455,005 {nm} mexgoer33 Oct 30, 16:42

lobogotti, STAR8, JLEAG, DDLM, THOR3, BPNTH, PTCP3, JUMNJ, 369412849 {nm} lobogotti Oct 30, 16:45

tatoufan, STAR8, JLEAG, DDLM, THOR3, BPNTH, JUMNJ, PTCP3, 307181007 {nm} tatoufan Oct 30, 16:46

joeoftexas, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, PTCP3, JUMNJ, 345345345 {nm} joeoftexas Oct 30, 16:57

I see what you did there... {nm} Catzan Nov 02, 10:23

MattW, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, DDLM, PTCP3, JUMNJ, 298500000 {nm} MattW Oct 30, 17:02

benz0, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, PTCP3, JUMNJ, 340000000 {nm} benz0 Oct 30, 17:12

doitdoitdoitnow - STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, BPNTH, JUMNJ, PTCP3, DDLM, 325000001 {nm} doitdoitdoitnow Oct 30, 17:20

gblaylock - STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, PTCP3, JUMNJ, 353297648 {nm} GBlaylock Oct 30, 18:01

ashsagar, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, PTCP3, JUMNJ, 365865000 {nm} ashsagar Oct 30, 18:12

Randy666, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, DDLM, JUMNJ, PTCP3, $345,545,000 {nm} Randy Oct 30, 18:23

Paul2k, STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, BPNTH, DDLM, PTCP3, FERDN, 291000000 {nm} Paul2k Oct 30, 18:49

jamesbik333, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, JUMNJ, DDLM, PTCP3, 320502603 {nm} jamesbik333 Oct 30, 19:32

tealfan, STAR7, DDLM, JLEAG, THOR3, JUMNJ, BPNTH, PTCP3, 341555555 {nm} tealfan Oct 30, 20:16

Your 1st place vote for STAR7 is recorded as 0 points. Good luck. :-) {nm} KaiGee Oct 30, 20:37

lol...oops! {nm} tealfan Oct 30, 22:00

tealfan, STAR8, DDLM, JLEAG, THOR3, JUMNJ, BPNTH, PTCP3, 341555555 {nm} tealfan Oct 30, 22:00

Come on people, follow the rules for the format of how to post your picks, 6 out of 17 wrong so far KaiGee Oct 30, 20:35

Wellespring, STAR8, BPNTH, JLEAG, THOR3, FERDN, JUMNJ, DDLM, 308345001 {nm} Wellespring Oct 30, 20:36

Skunkrunner, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, JUMNJ, DDLM, PTCP3, 298987400 {nm} skunkrunner Oct 30, 20:58

Baron_Darcon2017, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, JUMNJ, BPNTH, PTCP3, AWITH 308444823 {nm} Baron_Darcon2017 Oct 30, 21:08

Your selection of AWITH is recorded as 0 points. Good luck. :-) {nm} KaiGee Oct 30, 21:12

Baron_Darcon2017, STAR8,JLEAG, THOR3, JUMNJ, BPNTH, PTCP3, FERDN, 308444823 Missed date cap. =) {nm} Baron_Darcon2017 Oct 30, 22:01

capitolfi, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, DDLM, PTCP3, JUMNJ, 317777777 {nm} capitolfi Oct 30, 21:46

billy1975, STAR8, JLEAG, BPNTH, DDLM, THOR3, PTCP3, DDHM2, 298325958 {nm} billy1975 Oct 30, 23:31

vadym, STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, DDLM, BPNTH, PTCP3, JUMNJ, 330000000 {nm} vadym Oct 31, 00:06

numbersix_99, STAR8, JLEAG, THOT3, DDLM, PTCP3, JUMNJ, FERDN, 310000000 {nm} numbersix_99 Oct 31, 02:05

Made a typo: numbersix_99, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, PTCP3, JUMNJ, FERDN, 310000000 {nm} numbersix_99 Oct 31, 02:25

parthm_, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, DDLM, PTCP3, JUMNJ, 342156852 {nm} parthm_ Oct 31, 05:55

srrichardson, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, PTCP3, DDLM, BPNTH, JUMNJ, 352421435 {nm} srrichardson Oct 31, 06:32

Dales, STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, BPNTH, DDLM, JUMNJ, PTCP3, 314000000 {nm} Dales Oct 31, 06:39

PeteRPan - STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, COCO, PTCP3, BPNTH, JUMNJ, 359431898 {nm} Pete R. Pan Oct 31, 07:19

PeteRPan (CORRECTED) - STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, PTCP3, BPNTH, JUMNJ, 359431898 {nm} Pete R. Pan Oct 31, 07:25

DeanB, STAR8, BPNTH, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, JUMNJ, DSART, 345000000 {nm} DeanB Oct 31, 07:57

ajax85, STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, DDLM, BPNTH, JUMNJ, PTCP3, 267898543 {nm} ajax85 Oct 31, 08:26

PhoneHome, STAR8, JLEAG, DDLM, THOR3, BPNTH, JUMNJ, FERDN, 329777777 {nm} PhoneHome Oct 31, 08:49

arbybaker, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, DDLM, JUMNJ, PTCP3, 337047189 {nm} arbybaker Oct 31, 08:55

Flash, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, JUMNJ, BPNTH, DDLM, PTCP3, 293450000 {nm} Flash Oct 31, 09:03

bennyg1985, STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, DDLM, BPNTH, JUMNJ, 1517P, 294320000 {nm} bennyg1985 Oct 31, 09:11

Goodvibe61, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, JUMNJ, FERDN, 333333333 {nm} goodvibe61 Oct 31, 09:23

Fechin, STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, DDLM, BPNTH, PTCP3, 50SH3, 349000000 {nm} Fechin Oct 31, 09:28

Fechin, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, PTCP3, 50SH3, 322,212,146 (Updated) Thanks {nm} Fechin Oct 31, 11:27

STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, PTCP3, 50SH3, 347212146 -Update #2. Sorry...Thx {nm} Fechin Nov 03, 05:59

journey, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, JUMNJ, PTCP3, DDLM, FERDN, 312,500,000 {nm} journey Oct 31, 09:31

I received a pick by email: shades33, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, PTCP3, JUMNJ, BPNTH, 362423452 {nm} KaiGee Oct 31, 09:56

everything looking good so far? islndr Oct 31, 10:40

Yep, all current picks already listed on my site. {nm} KaiGee Oct 31, 10:52

Cool, thnx {nm} islndr Oct 31, 11:00

nat1kos, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, DDLM, JUMNJ, FERDN, 341742916 {nm} nat1kos Oct 31, 11:25

Chondog, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, FERDN, DDLM, JUMNJ 316667773 {nm} Chondog Oct 31, 13:19

Blaze223,STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, JUMNJ, BPNTH, HORSE, 297999003 {nm} blaze223 Oct 31, 13:27

Sorry typo so Blaze223,STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, JUMNJ, BPNTH, HORSO, 297999003 {nm} blaze223 Oct 31, 13:31

leo21 STAR8, JLEAG. DDLM, THOR3, JUMNJ, BPATH, FERDN 323654386 {nm} leo21 Oct 31, 14:49

djgrimlok, STAR8, BPNTH, JLEAG, THOR3, JUMNJ, DDLM, PTCP3, 314159265 {nm} djgrimlok Oct 31, 16:44

Lindz2017, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, DDLM, PTCP3, JUMNJ, 341000000 {nm} Lindz2017 Oct 31, 20:11

Professor Frink, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, FERDN, JUMNJ, 377226841 {nm} Professor Frink Oct 31, 23:58

Wrath_crfd, STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, DDLM, BPNTH, FERDN, JUMNJ, 299999999 {nm} Wrath_crfd Nov 01, 04:38

tallbridge, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, JUMNJ, PTCP3, 319267003 {nm} tallbridge Nov 01, 15:02

andy007, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, PTCP3, BPNTH, 1517P, 365555007 {nm} andy007 Nov 01, 15:53

Steved1998 STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, PADT2, DDLM, JUMNJ, BPNTH 375,678,765 {nm} Steved1998 Nov 01, 18:48

Steved1998, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, PADT2, DDLM, JUMNJ, BPNTH 375678765 Steved1998 Nov 01, 18:50

Steved1998, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, PADT2, DDLM, JUMNJ, BPNTH, 375678765 {nm} Steved1998 Nov 01, 18:51

slappydavid, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, PTCP3, TPOST, 285000000 {nm} slappydavid Nov 01, 21:28

JDolphin, STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, DDLM, BPNTH, JUMNJ, PTCP3, 284,001,123 {nm} JDolphin Nov 02, 01:00

JDolphin, STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, DDLM, BPNTH, JUMNJ, PTCP3, 284001123 - got carried away with the commas :) {nm} JDolphin Nov 02, 01:03

TFeeney, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, FERDN, PTCP3, 400000000 TFeeney Nov 02, 04:53

mrbinns STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, PTCP3, JUMNJ, 395846925 {nm} Buy BONDS 28 Nov 02, 06:40

Bstallard, {nm} bstallard Nov 02, 07:14

Bstallard, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM,PTCCP, BPNTH, JUMNJ, 298000000 bstallard Nov 02, 07:17

Are the box office totals used for the entire theatrical run of the film, or for the HSX 4-week total through the stoch cash-out? {nm} FranklynStreet Nov 02, 09:35

FranklynStreet, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, PTCP3, JUMNJ, 340000000 {nm} FranklynStreet Nov 02, 09:48

Saw on the leaderboard someone has my same pick info. If you need to, change my total to 339999999. {nm} FranklynStreet Nov 02, 09:55

Catzan, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, DDLM, TGSOE, JUMNJ, 328647399 {nm} Catzan Nov 02, 10:22

Moviesnob, STAR8, BPNTH, DDLM, JLEAG, THOR3, JUMNJ, PTCP3, 330000001 {nm} Moviesnob Nov 02, 10:28

daveart, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, FERDN, JUMNJ, 318500000 {nm} daveart Nov 02, 11:11

Gogreen, STAR8,JLEAG,THOR3,BPNTH,DDLM,FERDN,JUMNJ,308899000 {nm} gogreenytd Nov 02, 12:01

STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, BPNTH, DDLM, JUMNJ, FERDN, 307000777 {nm} BelizeIt Nov 02, 13:39

BelizeIt, STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, BPNTH, DDLM, JUMNJ, FERND, 307000777 {nm} BelizeIt Nov 02, 13:44

I'm not on the final board don't miss me! Thanks! {nm} BelizeIt Nov 04, 02:06

thefootballfreak, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, PTCP3, DDLM, FERDN, 318111111 {nm} thefootballfreak Nov 02, 15:33

Andre C, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, PTCP3, DDLM, JUMNJ, 370000000 {nm} Andre C Nov 02, 15:53

sloopsjohng, STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, BPNTH, JUMNJ, DDLM, PTCP3, 323792637 {nm} sloopsjohng Nov 02, 16:24

Qix, STAR8, THOR3, BPNTH, JLEAG, DDLM, JUMNJ, PTCP3, 344444444 {nm} Qix Nov 02, 19:08

DanU, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, JUMNJ, PTCP3, 377972503 {nm} DanU Nov 02, 19:53

oneman. STAR8, JLEAG, DDLM, THOR3, JUMNJ, BPNTH, PTCP3, 378125000 {nm} oneman Nov 02, 20:44

JMT-NL, STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, BPNTH, FERDN, DDLM, PTCP3, 300300300 {nm} JMT-NL Nov 03, 02:20

columbia - STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, DDLM, PTCP3, JMNJ, $457,231,678 {nm} columbia Nov 03, 08:32

pennystocks2, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, BPNTH, DDLM, PTCP3, JUMNJ, 353456200 {nm} pennystocks2 Nov 03, 09:00

avandelay, STAR8, JLEAG, THOR3, DDLM, BPNTH, JUMNJ, MOTOE, 344000001 {nm} avandelay Nov 03, 09:42

STAR8, THOR3, JLEAG, DDLM, PTCP3, JUMNJ, BPNTH, 335,000,000 {nm} TheTomAsta Nov 03, 09:58

Sorry no more entries! next contest will be the summer pick in may. good luck to all entrants! {nm} islndr Nov 03, 10:04

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