LOVE "Star Wars." But yes, its time is passing now... Mar 31, 21:43
Dude, that ship sailed over $1.9 billion ago. {nm} Mar 31, 22:03
+1. Yeah I was wrong. SW isn't the top franchise anymore. {nm} Mar 31, 22:55
they've made 18 Marvel movies so far vs. 9 total SW movies ever. i hope they would have made more money with twice the attempts Mar 31, 23:02
If you go by adjusted for inflation SW is 7.4B vs MCU 6.4B after Avengers MCU will be #1.. But it'll take 19 films. {nm} Apr 01, 01:26
Yeah, my feeling is this next AVENG puts them over the top.. in terms of franchise dominance.. Thanks for the numbers. {nm} Apr 01, 02:13
for a month {nm} Apr 01, 03:24
Worldwide unadjusted MCU $14.785B vs SW $9.098B - avg MCU $778.2m vs SW $1,010.8m {nm} Apr 01, 12:30
You can't compare ww numbers with movies released before 1995... there is not enough data. {nm} Apr 01, 19:03
Domestic inflation adjusted James Bond $6B {nm} Apr 01, 12:44
Domestic adjusted DC Comics $7.074B, 30 movies, avg $235m, according to BoxOfficeMojo {nm} Apr 01, 12:49
Apparently Shaq was in a DC movie called Steel in 1997 that no one saw. {nm} Apr 01, 12:59
everyone who matters saw Steel {nm} Apr 01, 13:12
So no one matters then. :P {nm} Apr 02, 10:05
What's with the pointless America-bashing? MCU is popular all over the world {nm} Apr 01, 14:48