HSX Forum


Same story, but it doesn't hurt any less. Imagine watching this on a computer or TV and not with an audience. Good Lord.

Posted by: goodvibe61 on Apr 23, 20:06 in response to Antibody's post VF: Netflix had acquired [ROMA]

I love Curaron. He is a real visionary. I guess this was the only way this movie could be made, at least I assume that's the deal, like the Scorsese film. So we'll never get to see it with an audience. 

I wonder if this was shot AFTER the deal was made or before. It it was after, I wonder what Cuaron did to change all the technicals, knowing it's a made for a small screen thing. I would imagine that knowing how your movie is going to be presented creates some different technical strategies. 

Oh well. 

VF: Netflix had acquired [ROMA] Antibody Apr 23, 16:16

Same story, but it doesn't hurt any less. Imagine watching this on a computer or TV and not with an audience. Good Lord. goodvibe61 Apr 23, 20:06

It's the same thing with Orson. He never particularly cared for his films being shown on television. goodvibe61 Apr 23, 20:18

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