First trailer for Bohemian Rhapsody (FREDI) May 15, 06:37
I know it's just a trailer, but that gave me chills. At times, Rami Malek looks to be channeling Freddy. {nm} May 15, 06:42
all music biopics are basically the same. [band] overcomes [obstacles] to rise to worldwide fame, but too soon too fast and they pay the May 15, 08:53
Boo, hiss, but you are right. {nm} May 15, 08:56
Let's go play machete fight. Ain't no terrible tragedy's gonna happen today! {nm} May 15, 09:52
the way they did that trailer i can't tell which scenes are Rami and which are clips from concerts. {nm} May 15, 10:24