THR: The Incredibles 2 is tracking for a huge box-office debut of $140 million-plus [NCRD2] May 24, 08:51
Solo-esque, even {nm} May 24, 08:58
I'm skeptical of thet tracking. Would put it over Dory, which is possible but just don't see it right now. May 24, 09:04
Nemo/Dory is more kiddie than Incredibles, which is the closest think Pixar has to a comic book superhero franchise {nm} May 24, 09:05
Incredibles are a perennial Halloween/Cosplay favorite. May 24, 09:12
A Minions level opening is what I've been thinking for the last few months. Hopefully it's good enough to justify bigger {nm} May 24, 09:16