88.8 and dropping daily. May 26, 10:41
Overseas is really weak also (per Hollywood Reporter).. The end of Kathleen Kennedy SW run begins. {nm} May 26, 11:19
I wasn't referring to SW. I was referring to the gap between AVNG3 overtaking BP. {nm} May 26, 12:27
It's not going to overtake BP. May 26, 13:05
Sorry, 9 days in a row BP > AIW {nm} May 26, 13:07
I'll be really happy without her running SW. She's don't want to listen to the fans, she is really incompetent. {nm} May 26, 14:21
+ 1 {nm} May 26, 16:38
+2 {nm} May 26, 16:54
-100,000 {nm} May 26, 21:28
What in your opinion is she doing wrong? What are the fans saying? {nm} May 27, 04:00
In a nutshell: she don't listen to the fan base and she took a beloved franchise and turn it into something for her May 27, 07:31