Do you own actual stock in the movie? {nm} Dec 21, 22:08
this reads like a trump tweet. {nm} Dec 22, 06:03
OK. Thanks for everything. Geez. So i guess the bottom line: lots of Grinch haters around here. Good to know. {nm} Dec 22, 09:43
trump would have tweeted she’s dumb as a rock and why isn’t Mueller investigating her corrupt financial dealings {nm} Dec 22, 10:16
There are political films and political films though. You have polemicists like Dinesh D’Souza and Michael Moore, whose movies have not done Dec 23, 08:57
DL commented that Universal needed Grinch since Mortal and Marwen are duds thus far. Glad it is doing well, too. =) {nm} Dec 22, 11:58