HSX Forum


Research companies have really stepped up their game in catching possible test screening reviewers including monitoring internet chatter

Posted by: notfabio on Apr 15, 12:42 in response to TheHat's post There was a test screening of Adjustment Bureau in LA...

as such it's considerbly more rare for them to find their way online, though that may be because AICN is really one of the few sites that publish them anymore and doesn't quite have the rabid following it did in years past.

There was a test screening of Adjustment Bureau in LA Tuesday but not finding any reviews...anyone? {nm} TheHat Apr 15, 12:29

Research companies have really stepped up their game in catching possible test screening reviewers including monitoring internet chatter notfabio Apr 15, 12:42

Thanks. I've been searching, can't find it. A friend saw it and said it was pretty good. But was hoping to find more opinions. {nm} TheHat Apr 15, 13:39

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