HSX Forum


i like how they have to crib the Superman origin story to flip it around, because if they tried to crib Batman's they would just get another

Posted by: professor zovek (a.k.a mickpix) on Mar 29, 11:47 in response to Antibody's post New trailer for Brightburn [BBURN]

Batman movie

New trailer for Brightburn [BBURN] Antibody Mar 29, 11:44

i like how they have to crib the Superman origin story to flip it around, because if they tried to crib Batman's they would just get another professor zovek Mar 29, 11:47

Sooo, you are saying that all the Batman movies are horror? {nm} DTravel Mar 29, 13:40

for the residents of Gotham, who got stuck with a psycho vigilante with no actual superpowers, it's a total ****show professor zovek Mar 29, 14:41

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