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THR: Mckenna Grace has nabbed a starring role in 'Ghostbusters' [GHST4]

Posted by: Antibody on Mar 29, 14:23


Tag(s): GHST4

THR: Mckenna Grace has nabbed a starring role in 'Ghostbusters' [GHST4] Antibody Mar 29, 14:23

(she's 12, fwiw) {nm} professor zovek Mar 29, 14:38

it's going to just be "IT but funnier" isn't it? {nm} professor zovek Mar 29, 14:39

Stranger Things-esque. They resisted casting Finn Wolfhard because it was too obvious. (though since he was also in IT....) {nm} notfabio Mar 29, 14:49

i think they're overestimating how much Ghostbusters fans want to see a kiddie version of the franchise but... oh well professor zovek Mar 29, 15:04

Reitman's gotta eat! {nm} notfabio Mar 29, 15:53

it probably sounds trite at this point but JPEEL would actually be perfect to update Ghostbusters in a way that stays true to the original professor zovek Mar 29, 15:57

Ernie Hudson gonna eat! {nm} notfabio Mar 29, 16:07

As long as the actors are black. JPEEL refuses to cast white actors. No racism here though /s Chimpmuck Mar 29, 16:17

there are numerous white actors in both Get Out and Up. but it's a free country and he can cast whoever he wants with his budget {nm} professor zovek Mar 29, 16:21

So you think if a prominent white directors said they'd never cast a black man, its no big deal? People would lose their damn minds {nm} Chimpmuck Mar 29, 16:24

that was the status quo in Hollywood for the first 60 years. as Jordan said in the interview "we've seen that movie before." inclusion of an professor zovek Mar 29, 16:28

LOL what a crock. Whites excluding are racist, blacks excluding are "inclusive." {nm} Chimpmuck Mar 29, 16:32

he never said he wouldn't cast white people. His quote is "I Don't See Myself Casting a White Dude As the Lead" Moviesnob Mar 29, 16:36

You know a white person making that kind of statement would be run out of Hollywood. My point is the hypocrisy {nm} Chimpmuck Mar 29, 16:43

thank you as thats a reasonable pov, although I wouldn't call it hypocrisy. its more complicated than that Moviesnob Mar 29, 16:51

There is nothing reasonable about his POV. Can we confine the white supremacist nonsense to the LIFE board please? Wellespring Mar 30, 05:33

pro-tip: whites don't have a monopoly on questioning the logic of identitarianism. {nm} Pepe_Nolan Mar 31, 08:06

when the world works the same exact way for Black people and white people this will be a useful statement. (nm) Used2BeTwitterFamous Mar 30, 00:13

I’d watch Jordan Peele’s Verizon of Up {nm} RogerMore Mar 29, 16:32

What about Cricket Wireless? {nm} RupertPupkin Mar 29, 17:04

As the lead, since we've already seen that movie in Ghostbusters 1 and 2. {nm} Antibody Mar 29, 17:11

and there was literally a lawsuit against Columbia because Ernie Hudson would get cropped out of scenes in the pan-n-scan home video {nm} professor zovek Mar 29, 17:16

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