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but you know, i bet you love your job anyway...:) what a great career to have. {nm}

Posted by: lobogotti on Apr 17, 06:52 in response to secretstalker's post ooops... was going to say "Not just quick to call...

there are some major crow eaters for KCKAS that should step up and put on a bib. people are quick to call out ss lobogotti Apr 17, 05:48

Can I do the opposite, and point out that I repeatedly said KCKAS wasn't going to break out? :) RupertPupkin Apr 17, 05:59

absolutely! {nm} lobogotti Apr 17, 06:03

But I don't think it's for the reasons you said... people generally have LOVED the movie, it's just that the marketing is sh*t. secretstalker Apr 17, 06:25

It is for the reasons I've said: it has a passionate core, and nothing else RupertPupkin Apr 17, 06:27

Your middle sentence is one of the problems with the marketing... and that's almost always the case with an R-Rated movie. secretstalker Apr 17, 06:48

You sir, are one of most reliable posters in this game. {nm} maltrinity Apr 17, 07:42

One of these days, I'll get around to actually playing the game on a regular basis. :) RupertPupkin Apr 17, 09:56

I thought it would do between 25-30, still a short but I did think it would do better :) (2/2 too) {nm} Random Enigma Apr 17, 06:03

And to think it even had a kick-**** title......... {nm} Facto Apr 17, 13:50

Or kick-arse.. ;-) {nm} Facto Apr 17, 13:51

It ain't over till the crow lady caws. :) {nm} RynnAKArynn Apr 17, 06:04

;)...your predicition was based off your energy level having just saw the film. i can certainly understand that. i saw it at a sneak and lobogotti Apr 17, 06:07

Just shut up and pass me a bib OK? lol CAW! CAW! {nm} RynnAKArynn Apr 17, 06:19

:) {nm} lobogotti Apr 17, 06:54

I think alot of people thought it would make 30-40 at least, but were alerted by notfabio's RS and MTC figures {nm} karspov Apr 17, 06:09

I always take personal Theatre experiences with a pinch if salt , unless that person watches the show in a prime time slot and location {nm} karspov Apr 17, 06:14

for future reference do you have some specific theatre locations you use? {nm} lobogotti Apr 17, 06:55

The problem with personal theatre experiences report is they either come after halt , or before halt during early screenings {nm} karspov Apr 17, 07:18

One can't make a non-biased opinion on how well the movie may do, location? Tony's theatre is a Gd catch ;) {nm} karspov Apr 17, 07:22

thanks kp {nm} lobogotti Apr 17, 11:40

Oh, not just {nm} secretstalker Apr 17, 06:18

ooops... was going to say "Not just quick to call out" but I gotta hear about this sh*t for years sometimes. secretstalker Apr 17, 06:24

I never play the openers and I shorted Kick Ass mflatt86 Apr 17, 06:34

"So easy, a caveman can do it." {nm} edzep Apr 17, 06:48

LGFX has 50000 short mflatt86 Apr 17, 06:58

Play max next time when u are quite sure , no venture no gain, whatever size your port may be ;) {nm} karspov Apr 17, 07:23

but you know, i bet you love your job anyway...:) what a great career to have. lobogotti Apr 17, 06:52

Yes, the fact that I have such a great job and that I at least partially owe it to HSX is one of main reasons I stick around... secretstalker Apr 17, 11:16

Yes and I was worried to be holding the same way .. I remember. :) {nm} grammar Apr 17, 08:35

Never saw this doing more than 75m and before the fanboy hype, I had it under 50m. {nm} ShawnMR Apr 17, 07:50

Don't hurt yourself patting yourself on the back. Bored now! If you can't take people with differing views don't post. With D.Mac and his Vashta Nerada Apr 17, 08:22

Opinions by those that get an early look at a movie before the movie opens to the general public should be restricted to the 24 hours Vashta Nerada Apr 17, 08:30

That's like only your opinion man. HSX encourages discussions of movies and movies. When's the last time you offered an opinion on a movie Antibody Apr 17, 09:37

The last time I brought something interesting here that I thought people might discus. The sum total of your reply was "Who?" So get off Vashta Nerada Apr 17, 11:04

How is it favoritism when that person used to have a "lifetime" ban here. It's your posting style, deal with it. {nm} Antibody Apr 18, 10:33

I go days without posting on here and log in to see what's up with the weekend and we get posts about Vashta Nerada Apr 17, 11:20

I think the crow remarks are because the film was touted so heavily and now it looks to be a $30+ short despite it already being at $85. LonePirate Apr 17, 11:39

in the past month it was trading in the mid to high 40's for an opener. it just fell this past week....you don't see many movies trade like lobogotti Apr 17, 11:44

Good point. It will have lost over half of its value in 7-8 days. That almost never happens for a stock priced above $100. LonePirate Apr 17, 11:50

it's rare. for a stock to go from $130 to a under $55 in a few weeks time means the marketing on the film was thought to have been genius lobogotti Apr 17, 12:07

This movie falls in line with Grindhouse. Fanboys love it...HSX has a lotta fan boys. Running a theater, you can tell when a movie like this Catzan Apr 17, 13:06

So when are you going to apologize for wasting space on the board over this drivel. Oh wait the self righteous can do no wrong and always Vashta Nerada Apr 17, 08:35

if I offended you my apologies. my post was not self serving by any means, nor do i claim to be "the ace". i was merely lobogotti Apr 17, 11:34

Well, I never posted pro or con about the movie. But I did sell my stock at $115. sonic_death_monkey Apr 17, 13:15

I admit i played long last second...but this whole thread SEEMS COMPLETELY UNECESSARY {nm} bennyboy10 Apr 17, 13:19

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