HSX Forum


You're not seriously comparing Late December to any other time of the year, right?

Posted by: JoeMetz on May 04, 10:09 in response to professor zovek's post sure but it also burned out pretty quickly after New...

The reason movies fall of the table in January is they are behaving normally...except for the Xmas to New Year's, it's like weekend days.  

Force Awakens fell 40% from weekend 1 to weekend 2 ... because weekend 2 was a holiday.  Weekend 3 was another holiday.  These movies do a small floating decline...until there's no holidays to keep them inflated...then they crash like movies in their 4th week do.  


It's why things like Titanic / Greatest Showman / Jumanji 2 ... they're rarities in that they don't drop off the table as soon as January 5th comes along.


Endgame is behaving exactly like a mega-movie should in any time other than Xmas.

DL midday: FLRSK $4.1M/$11.2M NTRDR $10M UGLYD $2.3M/$7.2M-$9.5M; AVNG4 $44M -72% Fri (wild range for weekend) Antibody May 03, 13:15

Revengers: Game of Ends fell behind Force Awakens' same-day totals on Monday and has lost $25m of the $110m head start it had coming out of professor zovek May 03, 14:07

still an 800+ delist MONSTER gogreenytd May 03, 14:14

Its "weekend" {nm} ndmaster May 03, 15:33

Force had vacations {nm} gogreenytd May 03, 14:15

sure but it also burned out pretty quickly after New Year's. opening at the end of April, in theory, should also mean less competition {nm} professor zovek May 03, 14:35

Why don't we wait and see how it fares the Monday after next for comparison? Jay_Beezy May 03, 14:47

You're not seriously comparing Late December to any other time of the year, right? JoeMetz May 04, 10:09

Force awakens made an additional 194 million after New years weekend and continued playing until the end of May {nm} mantleclinic May 04, 10:17

in other words it made $770m of its $936m total in the first three weeks {nm} professor zovek May 04, 11:40

I blame Captain Marvel ;) {nm} RattyBatty May 03, 14:20

Variety says look for $175m+ 2nd wkend (~$25m ahead of the Force Awakens comp)... Qix May 03, 14:39

though others have a wider range of possible holds ($137m to $177m) professor zovek May 03, 14:44

Yeah, although looking at the way the openers appear to be performing (& Deadline's early #s track record), my guess... Qix May 03, 14:56

Should pass Force Awakens on the worldwide chart this weekend. Might even pass Titanic for #2 worldwide this weekend. {nm} fourstars May 03, 15:08

It's kind of a drag when the movie breaking the records is a movie you have zero interest in. That's life. {nm} goodvibe61 May 03, 15:49

don't feel too bad, something will dethrone it in time Rishoutfield May 04, 18:14

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