HSX Forum
THR: [XMEN7] tracking in the $50 million range
May 16, 10:10
If that holds, would be the lowest opening for the franchise, even unadjusted for ticket inflation. XMEN1 had a $54M OW.
May 16, 10:48
which is exactly where it should be based on lessening quality of the first class films, plus that its a retread of the worst xmen
May 16, 11:22
Maybe hoping for post Endgame superhero bump, but it'll be Spidey that gets that.
May 16, 11:24
I was expecting a bit more. Been three years since Apocalypse and think there's still plenty of interest. I can see tracking ticking up.
May 16, 12:02
There’s definitely a sense of “who cares” surrounding this. Plus, if word is true, it might be the worst reviewed X-Men alongside Origins.
May 16, 12:46
they should be selling it as "Come Watch Sansa go Full Daney"
professor zovek
May 16, 13:47
totally insaney
May 16, 18:25