Teaser for Onward [ONWRD] May 30, 19:57
it’s no coincidence that Pixar was also bought by Disney in 2006 {nm} May 30, 21:27
Though, Coco was great! {nm} May 31, 09:13
Was it though? {nm} May 31, 11:30
cool...probably inspired by stories about fantasy characters in a modern world (Once Upon a Time, Fables, Bright) May 30, 22:09
feels a little weird that they would get CPRAT after he also voices Lego Movie {nm} May 30, 22:37
LEGO Movie isn’t Pixar. {nm} May 30, 23:51
exactly May 31, 00:39
Star power. Why would Jurassic World want StarLord? Why would Marvel want Johnny Storm to play Captain America? {nm} May 31, 07:04
"competitive franchise" May 31, 07:57