That's a female in that lead pic of the story??? {nm} Aug 26, 18:38
She must be, you are commenting on her looks rather than the content of the article. {nm} Aug 26, 19:03
you must be new here Aug 26, 19:46
I'm not new and I think this comment of yours is offensive and stupid {nm} Aug 27, 04:38
Ugh, stop embarrassing yourself Aug 27, 07:00
Who is Morgan Ellison? {nm} Aug 27, 07:25
LPT: Doubling down on imbecility isn't the slick move you think it is. {nm} Aug 27, 09:36
Not seeking any additional lines of credit, will seek financing on a project by project basis probably = winding down operations as distrib. Aug 26, 18:59