Sorry, I couldnt do this yesterday. Still the same Monday thru Sunday like always.
Interesting to see IN3d and BONDS make 5th and 6th, yet were only active part of the week!
1 AnimationFun $4.45 0.67
2 SEETVFund $2.19 0.55
3 ChickFund $2.08 0.35
4 EuroFund $2.06 0.73
5 3DFund $1.74 0.87
6 StarBondFund $1.36 1.36
7 SCIFund $1.23 0.24
8 BritishFund $1.16 0.39
9 AwardsFund $1.15 0.62
10 SONYXFund $1.13 0.28
11 IndieFund $0.92 0.14
12 CaineFund $0.76 0.27
13 XOVERFund $0.71 0.13
14 LGFXFund $0.60 0.40
15 PARAXFund $0.53 0.39
16 NYNYFund $0.53 0.31
17 DISNXFund $0.33 0.31
18 FRDIRfund $0.32 0.08
19 SequelsFund $0.25 0.10
20 HeroesFund $0.21 0.06
21 AsianFund $0.21 0.06
22 TrueFund $0.17 0.04
23 AussieFund $0.11 0.08
24 LAFSFund $0.04 0.03
25 FOXXFund ($0.06) (0.05)
26 OriginalFund ($0.07) (0.05)
27 TogetherFund ($0.20) (0.15)
28 RemakeFund ($0.22) (0.06)
29 KidsFund ($0.31) (0.14)
30 BANALFund ($0.35) (0.10)
31 UNIVXFund ($0.54) (0.44)
32 WBROXFund ($0.63) (0.78)
33 HorrorFund ($0.78) (0.12)
SEETV 1-0 10-3 0.769
EURO 1-0 4-2 0.667
AUSIE 1-0 2-1 0.667
XOVER 1-1 12-4 0.750
CHICK 0-1 10-2 0.833
CAINE 0-1 8-4 0.667
WBROX 0-1 0-2 0.000
ASIAN 0-0 1-0 1.000
DISNX 0-0 1-0 1.000
INDIE 0-0 4-1 0.800
BRITS 0-0 6-2 0.750
ADJUS 0-0 13-6 0.684
KIDS 0-0 3-2 0.600
AWARD 0-0 3-3 0.500
FOXX 0-0 2-2 0.500
SPOOK 0-0 2-2 0.500
DJAVU 0-0 1-1 0.500
AMATN 0-0 1-1 0.500
SCIFI 0-0 1-1 0.500
BANAL 0-0 1-1 0.500
IN3D 0-0 1-2 0.333
LGFX 0-0 1-2 0.333
SONYX 0-0 1-2 0.333
UNIVX 0-0 1-2 0.333
WEWTO 0-0 0-2 0.000