HSX Forum


ashsagar, STAR9, JUMN2, FROZ2, BADB3, GOTCS,78000000 {nm}

Posted by: ashsagar on Nov 11, 08:31 in response to islndr's post **Announcing the 2019-20 Winter Pick 5 Contest**

**Announcing the 2019-20 Winter Pick 5 Contest** islndr Nov 04, 09:00

Notice the strict cutoff time next Monday. And why did I choose that(!) film for the tiebreaker? inside islndr Nov 04, 09:07

joeoftexas, STAR9, JUMN2, FROZ2, GOTCS, BADB3, 100000000 {nm} joeoftexas Nov 04, 09:16

bigshaunu, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, BADB3, DOCDO, 72452100 {nm} bigshaunu Nov 04, 09:24

Annnnnnd, I'm already screwed because of how the Release Schedule page handles sorting. Doh. {nm} bigshaunu Nov 04, 09:27

I can allow a redo in case of technical issues. feel free to reeenter if needed. {nm} islndr Nov 04, 09:46

Redo: bigshaunu, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, BADB3, 72452100 {nm} bigshaunu Nov 05, 10:20

numbersix_99, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, CATS, BADB3, 89000000 {nm} numbersix_99 Nov 04, 09:41

gsquared, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, BADB3, GOTCS, 97,125,346 {nm} gsquared Nov 04, 09:44

PLEASE check that you have properly sorted the release schedule if using that in making picks :) {nm} islndr Nov 04, 09:47

Wellespring, STAR9, JUMN2, FROZ2, GOTCS, BADB3, 97,500,000 {nm} Wellespring Nov 04, 10:12

Wellespring, STAR9, JUMN2, FROZ2, GOTCS, BADB3, 97500000 {nm} Wellespring Nov 04, 17:04

KingRichard, STAR9, FROZ2, DOCDO, KTSS3, 1917, 98,765,432 {nm} KingRichard Nov 04, 10:17

KingRichard, STAR9, FROZ2, DOCDO, KTSS3, 1917, 98765432 {nm} KingRichard Nov 05, 09:22

KingRichard, STAR9, FROZ2, DOCDO, GOTCS, 1917, 98765432 {nm} KingRichard Nov 16, 10:34

PLEASE no commas, thank you. :) {nm} islndr Nov 04, 10:17

In the number that is {nm} islndr Nov 04, 10:18

thefootballfreak, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, BADB3, GOTCS, 78600000 {nm} thefootballfreak Nov 04, 11:20

ashsagar, STAR9, JUMN2, FROZ2, BADB3, GOTCS,78000000 {nm} ashsagar Nov 11, 08:28

duplicate, posted below {nm} islndr Nov 11, 14:30

Skunkrunner, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, YAMFR, 108000500 {nm} skunkrunner Nov 04, 11:23

jamesbik333, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, BADB3, GOTCS, 110000000 {nm} jamesbik333 Nov 04, 11:47

TheDowIsUp, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, CATS, BADB3, 148775461 {nm} TheDowIsUp Nov 04, 11:48

Nigel_Ray, STAR9, JUMN2, FROZ2, BADB3, GOTCS, 87500000 {nm} Nigel_Ray Nov 04, 12:06

FabioParme, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, DOCDO, 855000000 {nm} FabioParme Nov 04, 12:28

did you want 855M or did you mean 85.5? {nm} islndr Nov 04, 12:37

LOL! My bad. I suppose 85500000 is fine ($85.5M). Thanks for checking. FabioParme Nov 04, 17:21

FabioParme, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, DOCDO, 85500000 {nm} islndr Nov 11, 14:06

STAR9, JUMN2, FROZ2, KNIVS, LTLWM, 59750000 {nm} Gleemonex Nov 04, 12:53

Gleemonex, STAR9, JUMN2, FROZ2, KNIVS, LTLWM, 59750000 {nm} Gleemonex Nov 04, 12:53

tealfan, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, DOCDO, 73555555 {nm} tealfan Nov 04, 13:08

oneman, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, CATS, GOTCS, 165000100 {nm} oneman Nov 04, 13:37

mexgoer33, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, PIGEN, KNIVS, 78500500 {nm} mexgoer33 Nov 04, 14:09

MattW, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, CATS, YAMFR, BADB3, 185000000 MattW Nov 04, 15:32

MattW, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, CATS, YAMFR, 185000000 islndr Nov 11, 14:05

tomcat90, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, BADB3 69700000 {nm} tomcat90 Nov 04, 17:53

Mike255 Froz2, jumn2, cats, badb3,gotcs {nm} mike255 Nov 04, 18:48

make sure you put in a box office guess for CATS before monday {nm} islndr Nov 05, 05:50

Mike255, FROZ2, JUMN2, CATS, BADB3, GOTCS, 0 {nm} islndr Nov 11, 14:08

mike you still have time to enter a guess for cats! {nm} islndr Nov 11, 16:21

ndmaster, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, CATS, 123456789 {nm} ndmaster Nov 04, 20:45

Professor Frink, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, PIGEN, 87900000 {nm} Professor Frink Nov 04, 21:22

one_cent_girl, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, DOCDO, BADB3, 78965088 {nm} one_cent_girl Nov 05, 01:02

bennyg1985, STAR9, JUMN2, FROZ2, GOTCS, FOVFE, 81000000 {nm} bennyg1985 Nov 05, 10:48

gblaylock, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, BADB3, 72185465 {nm} GBlaylock Nov 05, 12:32

doitdoitdoitnow, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, BADB3, 72452101 {nm} doitdoitdoitnow Nov 05, 12:43

GruntNoNeck, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, BADB3, 8536000 {nm} Grunt Nov 05, 13:05

GruntNoNeck, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, BADB3, 85360000 {nm} Grunt Nov 11, 07:50

Cinebello, STAR9, JUMN2, FROZ2, GOTCS, LTWLM, 123215000 {nm} cinebello Nov 05, 13:31

disregard this entry, redo below {nm} islndr Nov 11, 14:14

Bstallard, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, PIGEN, GOTCS, 75000000 {nm} bstallard Nov 05, 15:29

vadym, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, DOCDO, 85000000 {nm} vadym Nov 05, 15:31

nummy, STAR9, JUMN2, FROZ2, GOTCS, BADB3, 83333222111 {nm} nummy Nov 05, 17:11

sorry should be 83333222 {nm} nummy Nov 05, 17:13

Baron_Darcon2017, FROZ2, JUMN2, STAR9, FOVFE, PIGEN, 124000000 {nm} Baron_Darcon2017 Nov 05, 20:36

Cinebello, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, DOCDO, 123215000 {nm} cinebello Nov 06, 11:20

VictorY, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, BADB3, 85000000 {nm} VictorY Nov 06, 16:49

there is already a guess of 85000000, can you change yours please. {nm} islndr Nov 07, 05:55

Thanks again. 76000000 {nm} VictorY Nov 11, 11:19

sloopsjohng, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, BADB3, 100000000 {nm} sloopsjohng Nov 06, 17:22

there is already a guess of 100000000, can you change your please. {nm} islndr Nov 07, 05:55

sloopsjohng, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, BADB3, 90000000 {nm} sloopsjohng Nov 11, 09:29

DeanB, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, CATS, 150150150 {nm} DeanB Nov 07, 02:03

Paul2k, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, PIGEN, GOTCS, 68100000 {nm} Paul2k Nov 07, 05:49

Movie Cub, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, DOCDO, 88888888 {nm} Movie Cub Nov 07, 21:55

thesilverfox, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, BADB3, GOTCS, 87420069 {nm} thesilverfox Nov 08, 15:57

daveart, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, PIGEN, 98500750 {nm} daveart Nov 08, 16:17

Qix, FROZ2, STAR9, JUMN2, CATS, YAMFR, 190000000 {nm} Qix Nov 09, 12:41

extepan, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, BADB3, 42170000 {nm} extepan Nov 09, 17:11

helmetz, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, PIGEN, 82600000 {nm} helmetz Nov 10, 06:58

slappydavid, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, BADB3, YAMFR, 92500000 {nm} slappydavid Nov 10, 08:01

tallbridge, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, BADB3, LTLWM, 61232000 {nm} tallbridge Nov 10, 14:01

tatoufan, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, DOCDO, 130000200 {nm} tatoufan Nov 10, 16:05

Redo (if allowed) tatoufan, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, KNIVS, DOCDO, 130000200 {nm} tatoufan Nov 10, 16:54

PhoneHome, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, DOCDO, 119000700 {nm} PhoneHome Nov 11, 06:49

lobogotti, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, DOCDO, 93000000 {nm} lobogotti Nov 11, 07:06

djgrimlok, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, 1917, 72000000 {nm} djgrimlok Nov 11, 07:39

STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, BADB3, 77000000 {nm} Wilderness_Journey Nov 11, 07:45

Crap! {nm} Wilderness_Journey Nov 11, 07:46

Wilderness_Journey: STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, BADB3, 77000000 {nm} Wilderness_Journey Nov 11, 07:46

STAR9, FROZ2, GOTCS, DOCDO, KNIVS, 75500500 {nm} albrown Nov 11, 08:21

albrown, STAR9, FROZ2, GOTCS, DOCDO, KNIVS, 75500500 {nm} islndr Nov 11, 14:21

ashsagar, STAR9, JUMN2, FROZ2, BADB3, GOTCS,78000000 ashsagar Nov 11, 08:31

STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, BADB3, KNIVS 73059125 {nm} leo21 Nov 11, 09:33

leo21, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, BADB3, KNIVS 73059125 {nm} islndr Nov 11, 14:23

TFeeney, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, LTLWM, 70000000 {nm} TFeeney Nov 11, 09:48

L3stat, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, BADB3, 91182000 {nm} L3stat Nov 11, 09:49

Catzan, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, BADB3, 154777009 {nm} Catzan Nov 11, 11:16

Fechin, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, CATS, 132809770 {nm} Fechin Nov 11, 11:21

islndr, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, SONIC, 71000000 {nm} islndr Nov 11, 13:21

DanU, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, DOCDO, GOTCS, 153000001 {nm} DanU Nov 11, 13:42

That is it, no more entries! {nm} islndr Nov 11, 14:00

kaigee if it helps, i put the entries inside. i think i got it double checked islndr Nov 11, 14:48

updated, islndr Nov 12, 06:25

I messed up, there is Still time to enter!!! {nm} islndr Nov 11, 15:16

JDolphin STAR9, JUMN2, FROZ2, GOTCS, YAMFR, 70000000 {nm} JDolphin Nov 11, 15:09

5pm Pacific is not for 2 more hours {nm} JDolphin Nov 11, 15:09

Oops, my bad! Thanks {nm} islndr Nov 11, 15:14

there is already a 70000000, can you change {nm} islndr Nov 11, 15:17

JDolphin STAR9, JUMN2, FROZ2, GOTCS, YAMFR, 69999999 {nm} JDolphin Nov 11, 15:38

Abraxas, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, KNIVS, 54321012 {nm} Abraxas Nov 11, 15:54

Andre C, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, LTLWM, 71500000 {nm} Andre C Nov 11, 16:17

Randy, STAR9, FROZ2, GOTCS, JUMN2, BADB3, 11050000 {nm} Randy Nov 11, 16:34

Randy, STAR9, FROZ2, GOTCS, JUMN2, BADB3, 110500000 {nm} Randy Nov 14, 10:46

Lindz2017, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, {nm} Lindz2017 Nov 11, 16:55

Lindz2017, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTSC, BADB3, 7585000 {nm} Lindz2017 Nov 11, 16:58

can you double check your number thanks {nm} islndr Nov 11, 17:02

Lindsey2017, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTSC, BADB3, 75855000 {nm} Lindz2017 Nov 14, 16:19

catsandhounds, STAR9, FROZ2, JUMN2, GOTCS, LTLWM, 71571515 {nm} catsandhounds Nov 11, 16:57

OK its time for real. no new entries {nm} islndr Nov 11, 17:05

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One Battle After Another (VINEL) 150000 46.71 (+0.58)          Milla Jovovich (MJOVO) 25000 13.04 (+0.10)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 600 163.53 (+3.67)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 10000 163.53 (+3.67)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 3200 12.98 (+0.81)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 10000 12.98 (+0.81)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 1000 14.00 (+1.95)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 50 134.46 (+1.00)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 10000 14.00 (+1.95)          Clika (CLIKA) 5000 13.01 (-1.12)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 16150 134.46 (+1.00)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 17000 23.23 (-1.64)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 2600 23.23 (-1.64)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 50000 108.00 (-4.73)          John Lithgow (JLITH) 25000 24.64 (0.00)          Zachary Levi (ZLEVI) 7000 24.56 (+0.66)          Natalie Dormer (NDORM) 4000 114.17 (+0.28)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 8850 134.46 (+1.00)          Robert Pattinson (RPATT) 7900 78.45 (+0.43)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          The Odyssey aka Untitled Christo (ODYSE) 58000 207.38 (+0.60)          Geoffrey Rush (GRUSH) 25000 36.72 (-0.25)          World War Hulk (THLK2) 28000 59.93 (-0.31)          Superman (SUPRM) 20000 247.78 (-1.93)          Tangled (TANGL) 13000 119.58 (+1.23)          Cheech & Chong's Last Movie (CACLM) 17 6.61 (-0.37)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 99 204.70 (-1.48)          Toni Collette (TCOLL) 25000 25.46 (-0.50)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 20000 204.70 (-1.48)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 27000 6.93 (-0.51)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 1 6.93 (-0.51)          Rust (RUST) 76000 2.11 (+0.50)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 37860 108.00 (-4.73)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 30 104.52 (+8.10)          Eden aka Origin Of Species (OSPEC) 20000 14.69 (+0.02)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 30 17.91 (-1.07)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 500 12.98 (+0.81)          One Battle After Another (VINEL) 150000 46.71 (+0.58)          Milla Jovovich (MJOVO) 25000 13.04 (+0.10)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 600 163.53 (+3.67)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 10000 163.53 (+3.67)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 3200 12.98 (+0.81)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 10000 12.98 (+0.81)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 1000 14.00 (+1.95)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 50 134.46 (+1.00)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 10000 14.00 (+1.95)          Clika (CLIKA) 5000 13.01 (-1.12)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 16150 134.46 (+1.00)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 17000 23.23 (-1.64)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 2600 23.23 (-1.64)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 50000 108.00 (-4.73)          John Lithgow (JLITH) 25000 24.64 (0.00)          Zachary Levi (ZLEVI) 7000 24.56 (+0.66)          Natalie Dormer (NDORM) 4000 114.17 (+0.28)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 8850 134.46 (+1.00)          Robert Pattinson (RPATT) 7900 78.45 (+0.43)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          The Odyssey aka Untitled Christo (ODYSE) 58000 207.38 (+0.60)          Geoffrey Rush (GRUSH) 25000 36.72 (-0.25)          World War Hulk (THLK2) 28000 59.93 (-0.31)          Superman (SUPRM) 20000 247.78 (-1.93)          Tangled (TANGL) 13000 119.58 (+1.23)          Cheech & Chong's Last Movie (CACLM) 17 6.61 (-0.37)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 99 204.70 (-1.48)          Toni Collette (TCOLL) 25000 25.46 (-0.50)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 20000 204.70 (-1.48)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 27000 6.93 (-0.51)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 1 6.93 (-0.51)          Rust (RUST) 76000 2.11 (+0.50)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 37860 108.00 (-4.73)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 30 104.52 (+8.10)          Eden aka Origin Of Species (OSPEC) 20000 14.69 (+0.02)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 30 17.91 (-1.07)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 500 12.98 (+0.81)          One Battle After Another (VINEL) 150000 46.71 (+0.58)          Milla Jovovich (MJOVO) 25000 13.04 (+0.10)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 600 163.53 (+3.67)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 10000 163.53 (+3.67)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 3200 12.98 (+0.81)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 10000 12.98 (+0.81)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 1000 14.00 (+1.95)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 50 134.46 (+1.00)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 10000 14.00 (+1.95)          Clika (CLIKA) 5000 13.01 (-1.12)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 16150 134.46 (+1.00)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 17000 23.23 (-1.64)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 2600 23.23 (-1.64)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 50000 108.00 (-4.73)          John Lithgow (JLITH) 25000 24.64 (0.00)          Zachary Levi (ZLEVI) 7000 24.56 (+0.66)          Natalie Dormer (NDORM) 4000 114.17 (+0.28)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 8850 134.46 (+1.00)          Robert Pattinson (RPATT) 7900 78.45 (+0.43)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          The Odyssey aka Untitled Christo (ODYSE) 58000 207.38 (+0.60)          Geoffrey Rush (GRUSH) 25000 36.72 (-0.25)          World War Hulk (THLK2) 28000 59.93 (-0.31)          Superman (SUPRM) 20000 247.78 (-1.93)          Tangled (TANGL) 13000 119.58 (+1.23)          Cheech & Chong's Last Movie (CACLM) 17 6.61 (-0.37)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 99 204.70 (-1.48)          Toni Collette (TCOLL) 25000 25.46 (-0.50)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 20000 204.70 (-1.48)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 27000 6.93 (-0.51)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 1 6.93 (-0.51)          Rust (RUST) 76000 2.11 (+0.50)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 37860 108.00 (-4.73)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 30 104.52 (+8.10)          Eden aka Origin Of Species (OSPEC) 20000 14.69 (+0.02)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 30 17.91 (-1.07)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 500 12.98 (+0.81)          One Battle After Another (VINEL) 150000 46.71 (+0.58)          Milla Jovovich (MJOVO) 25000 13.04 (+0.10)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 600 163.53 (+3.67)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 10000 163.53 (+3.67)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 3200 12.98 (+0.81)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 10000 12.98 (+0.81)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 1000 14.00 (+1.95)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 50 134.46 (+1.00)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 10000 14.00 (+1.95)          Clika (CLIKA) 5000 13.01 (-1.12)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 16150 134.46 (+1.00)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 17000 23.23 (-1.64)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 2600 23.23 (-1.64)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 50000 108.00 (-4.73)          John Lithgow (JLITH) 25000 24.64 (0.00)          Zachary Levi (ZLEVI) 7000 24.56 (+0.66)          Natalie Dormer (NDORM) 4000 114.17 (+0.28)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 8850 134.46 (+1.00)          Robert Pattinson (RPATT) 7900 78.45 (+0.43)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          The Odyssey aka Untitled Christo (ODYSE) 58000 207.38 (+0.60)          Geoffrey Rush (GRUSH) 25000 36.72 (-0.25)          World War Hulk (THLK2) 28000 59.93 (-0.31)          Superman (SUPRM) 20000 247.78 (-1.93)          Tangled (TANGL) 13000 119.58 (+1.23)          Cheech & Chong's Last Movie (CACLM) 17 6.61 (-0.37)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 99 204.70 (-1.48)          Toni Collette (TCOLL) 25000 25.46 (-0.50)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 20000 204.70 (-1.48)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 27000 6.93 (-0.51)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 1 6.93 (-0.51)          Rust (RUST) 76000 2.11 (+0.50)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 37860 108.00 (-4.73)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 30 104.52 (+8.10)          Eden aka Origin Of Species (OSPEC) 20000 14.69 (+0.02)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 30 17.91 (-1.07)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 500 12.98 (+0.81)          One Battle After Another (VINEL) 150000 46.71 (+0.58)          Milla Jovovich (MJOVO) 25000 13.04 (+0.10)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 600 163.53 (+3.67)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 10000 163.53 (+3.67)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 3200 12.98 (+0.81)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 10000 12.98 (+0.81)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 1000 14.00 (+1.95)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 50 134.46 (+1.00)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 10000 14.00 (+1.95)          Clika (CLIKA) 5000 13.01 (-1.12)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 16150 134.46 (+1.00)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 17000 23.23 (-1.64)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 2600 23.23 (-1.64)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 50000 108.00 (-4.73)          John Lithgow (JLITH) 25000 24.64 (0.00)          Zachary Levi (ZLEVI) 7000 24.56 (+0.66)          Natalie Dormer (NDORM) 4000 114.17 (+0.28)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 8850 134.46 (+1.00)          Robert Pattinson (RPATT) 7900 78.45 (+0.43)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          The Odyssey aka Untitled Christo (ODYSE) 58000 207.38 (+0.60)          Geoffrey Rush (GRUSH) 25000 36.72 (-0.25)          World War Hulk (THLK2) 28000 59.93 (-0.31)          Superman (SUPRM) 20000 247.78 (-1.93)          Tangled (TANGL) 13000 119.58 (+1.23)          Cheech & Chong's Last Movie (CACLM) 17 6.61 (-0.37)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 99 204.70 (-1.48)          Toni Collette (TCOLL) 25000 25.46 (-0.50)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 20000 204.70 (-1.48)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 27000 6.93 (-0.51)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 1 6.93 (-0.51)          Rust (RUST) 76000 2.11 (+0.50)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 37860 108.00 (-4.73)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 30 104.52 (+8.10)          Eden aka Origin Of Species (OSPEC) 20000 14.69 (+0.02)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 30 17.91 (-1.07)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 500 12.98 (+0.81)          One Battle After Another (VINEL) 150000 46.71 (+0.58)          Milla Jovovich (MJOVO) 25000 13.04 (+0.10)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 600 163.53 (+3.67)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 10000 163.53 (+3.67)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 3200 12.98 (+0.81)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 10000 12.98 (+0.81)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 1000 14.00 (+1.95)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 50 134.46 (+1.00)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 10000 14.00 (+1.95)          Clika (CLIKA) 5000 13.01 (-1.12)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 16150 134.46 (+1.00)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 17000 23.23 (-1.64)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 2600 23.23 (-1.64)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 50000 108.00 (-4.73)          John Lithgow (JLITH) 25000 24.64 (0.00)          Zachary Levi (ZLEVI) 7000 24.56 (+0.66)          Natalie Dormer (NDORM) 4000 114.17 (+0.28)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 8850 134.46 (+1.00)          Robert Pattinson (RPATT) 7900 78.45 (+0.43)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          The Odyssey aka Untitled Christo (ODYSE) 58000 207.38 (+0.60)          Geoffrey Rush (GRUSH) 25000 36.72 (-0.25)          World War Hulk (THLK2) 28000 59.93 (-0.31)          Superman (SUPRM) 20000 247.78 (-1.93)          Tangled (TANGL) 13000 119.58 (+1.23)          Cheech & Chong's Last Movie (CACLM) 17 6.61 (-0.37)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 99 204.70 (-1.48)          Toni Collette (TCOLL) 25000 25.46 (-0.50)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 20000 204.70 (-1.48)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 27000 6.93 (-0.51)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 1 6.93 (-0.51)          Rust (RUST) 76000 2.11 (+0.50)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 37860 108.00 (-4.73)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 30 104.52 (+8.10)          Eden aka Origin Of Species (OSPEC) 20000 14.69 (+0.02)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 30 17.91 (-1.07)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 500 12.98 (+0.81)          One Battle After Another (VINEL) 150000 46.71 (+0.58)          Milla Jovovich (MJOVO) 25000 13.04 (+0.10)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 600 163.53 (+3.67)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 10000 163.53 (+3.67)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 3200 12.98 (+0.81)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 10000 12.98 (+0.81)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 1000 14.00 (+1.95)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 50 134.46 (+1.00)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 10000 14.00 (+1.95)          Clika (CLIKA) 5000 13.01 (-1.12)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 16150 134.46 (+1.00)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 17000 23.23 (-1.64)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 2600 23.23 (-1.64)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 50000 108.00 (-4.73)          John Lithgow (JLITH) 25000 24.64 (0.00)          Zachary Levi (ZLEVI) 7000 24.56 (+0.66)          Natalie Dormer (NDORM) 4000 114.17 (+0.28)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 8850 134.46 (+1.00)          Robert Pattinson (RPATT) 7900 78.45 (+0.43)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          The Odyssey aka Untitled Christo (ODYSE) 58000 207.38 (+0.60)          Geoffrey Rush (GRUSH) 25000 36.72 (-0.25)          World War Hulk (THLK2) 28000 59.93 (-0.31)          Superman (SUPRM) 20000 247.78 (-1.93)          Tangled (TANGL) 13000 119.58 (+1.23)          Cheech & Chong's Last Movie (CACLM) 17 6.61 (-0.37)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 99 204.70 (-1.48)          Toni Collette (TCOLL) 25000 25.46 (-0.50)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 20000 204.70 (-1.48)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 27000 6.93 (-0.51)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 1 6.93 (-0.51)          Rust (RUST) 76000 2.11 (+0.50)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 37860 108.00 (-4.73)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 30 104.52 (+8.10)          Eden aka Origin Of Species (OSPEC) 20000 14.69 (+0.02)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 30 17.91 (-1.07)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 500 12.98 (+0.81)          One Battle After Another (VINEL) 150000 46.71 (+0.58)          Milla Jovovich (MJOVO) 25000 13.04 (+0.10)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 600 163.53 (+3.67)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 10000 163.53 (+3.67)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 3200 12.98 (+0.81)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 10000 12.98 (+0.81)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 1000 14.00 (+1.95)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 50 134.46 (+1.00)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 10000 14.00 (+1.95)          Clika (CLIKA) 5000 13.01 (-1.12)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 16150 134.46 (+1.00)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 17000 23.23 (-1.64)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 2600 23.23 (-1.64)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 50000 108.00 (-4.73)          John Lithgow (JLITH) 25000 24.64 (0.00)          Zachary Levi (ZLEVI) 7000 24.56 (+0.66)          Natalie Dormer (NDORM) 4000 114.17 (+0.28)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 8850 134.46 (+1.00)          Robert Pattinson (RPATT) 7900 78.45 (+0.43)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          The Odyssey aka Untitled Christo (ODYSE) 58000 207.38 (+0.60)          Geoffrey Rush (GRUSH) 25000 36.72 (-0.25)          World War Hulk (THLK2) 28000 59.93 (-0.31)          Superman (SUPRM) 20000 247.78 (-1.93)          Tangled (TANGL) 13000 119.58 (+1.23)          Cheech & Chong's Last Movie (CACLM) 17 6.61 (-0.37)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 99 204.70 (-1.48)          Toni Collette (TCOLL) 25000 25.46 (-0.50)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 20000 204.70 (-1.48)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 27000 6.93 (-0.51)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 1 6.93 (-0.51)          Rust (RUST) 76000 2.11 (+0.50)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 37860 108.00 (-4.73)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 30 104.52 (+8.10)          Eden aka Origin Of Species (OSPEC) 20000 14.69 (+0.02)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 30 17.91 (-1.07)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 500 12.98 (+0.81)          One Battle After Another (VINEL) 150000 46.71 (+0.58)          Milla Jovovich (MJOVO) 25000 13.04 (+0.10)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 600 163.53 (+3.67)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 10000 163.53 (+3.67)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 3200 12.98 (+0.81)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 10000 12.98 (+0.81)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 1000 14.00 (+1.95)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 50 134.46 (+1.00)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 10000 14.00 (+1.95)          Clika (CLIKA) 5000 13.01 (-1.12)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 16150 134.46 (+1.00)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 17000 23.23 (-1.64)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 2600 23.23 (-1.64)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 50000 108.00 (-4.73)          John Lithgow (JLITH) 25000 24.64 (0.00)          Zachary Levi (ZLEVI) 7000 24.56 (+0.66)          Natalie Dormer (NDORM) 4000 114.17 (+0.28)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 8850 134.46 (+1.00)          Robert Pattinson (RPATT) 7900 78.45 (+0.43)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          The Odyssey aka Untitled Christo (ODYSE) 58000 207.38 (+0.60)          Geoffrey Rush (GRUSH) 25000 36.72 (-0.25)          World War Hulk (THLK2) 28000 59.93 (-0.31)          Superman (SUPRM) 20000 247.78 (-1.93)          Tangled (TANGL) 13000 119.58 (+1.23)          Cheech & Chong's Last Movie (CACLM) 17 6.61 (-0.37)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 99 204.70 (-1.48)          Toni Collette (TCOLL) 25000 25.46 (-0.50)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 20000 204.70 (-1.48)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 27000 6.93 (-0.51)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 1 6.93 (-0.51)          Rust (RUST) 76000 2.11 (+0.50)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 37860 108.00 (-4.73)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 30 104.52 (+8.10)          Eden aka Origin Of Species (OSPEC) 20000 14.69 (+0.02)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 30 17.91 (-1.07)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 500 12.98 (+0.81)          One Battle After Another (VINEL) 150000 46.71 (+0.58)          Milla Jovovich (MJOVO) 25000 13.04 (+0.10)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 600 163.53 (+3.67)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 10000 163.53 (+3.67)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 3200 12.98 (+0.81)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 10000 12.98 (+0.81)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 1000 14.00 (+1.95)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 50 134.46 (+1.00)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 10000 14.00 (+1.95)          Clika (CLIKA) 5000 13.01 (-1.12)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 16150 134.46 (+1.00)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 17000 23.23 (-1.64)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 2600 23.23 (-1.64)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 50000 108.00 (-4.73)          John Lithgow (JLITH) 25000 24.64 (0.00)          Zachary Levi (ZLEVI) 7000 24.56 (+0.66)          Natalie Dormer (NDORM) 4000 114.17 (+0.28)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 8850 134.46 (+1.00)          Robert Pattinson (RPATT) 7900 78.45 (+0.43)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          The Odyssey aka Untitled Christo (ODYSE) 58000 207.38 (+0.60)          Geoffrey Rush (GRUSH) 25000 36.72 (-0.25)          World War Hulk (THLK2) 28000 59.93 (-0.31)          Superman (SUPRM) 20000 247.78 (-1.93)          Tangled (TANGL) 13000 119.58 (+1.23)          Cheech & Chong's Last Movie (CACLM) 17 6.61 (-0.37)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 99 204.70 (-1.48)          Toni Collette (TCOLL) 25000 25.46 (-0.50)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 20000 204.70 (-1.48)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 27000 6.93 (-0.51)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 1 6.93 (-0.51)          Rust (RUST) 76000 2.11 (+0.50)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 37860 108.00 (-4.73)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 30 104.52 (+8.10)          Eden aka Origin Of Species (OSPEC) 20000 14.69 (+0.02)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 30 17.91 (-1.07)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 500 12.98 (+0.81)          One Battle After Another (VINEL) 150000 46.71 (+0.58)          Milla Jovovich (MJOVO) 25000 13.04 (+0.10)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 600 163.53 (+3.67)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 10000 163.53 (+3.67)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 3200 12.98 (+0.81)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 10000 12.98 (+0.81)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 1000 14.00 (+1.95)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 50 134.46 (+1.00)          Girls Trip 2 (GRLT2) 10000 14.00 (+1.95)          Clika (CLIKA) 5000 13.01 (-1.12)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 16150 134.46 (+1.00)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 17000 23.23 (-1.64)          Murder, She Wrote (MURSW) 2600 23.23 (-1.64)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 50000 108.00 (-4.73)          John Lithgow (JLITH) 25000 24.64 (0.00)          Zachary Levi (ZLEVI) 7000 24.56 (+0.66)          Natalie Dormer (NDORM) 4000 114.17 (+0.28)          Bradley Cooper (BCOOP) 8850 134.46 (+1.00)          Robert Pattinson (RPATT) 7900 78.45 (+0.43)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          Bong Joon-Ho (JBONG) 25000 24.96 (+0.25)          The Odyssey aka Untitled Christo (ODYSE) 58000 207.38 (+0.60)          Geoffrey Rush (GRUSH) 25000 36.72 (-0.25)          World War Hulk (THLK2) 28000 59.93 (-0.31)          Superman (SUPRM) 20000 247.78 (-1.93)          Tangled (TANGL) 13000 119.58 (+1.23)          Cheech & Chong's Last Movie (CACLM) 17 6.61 (-0.37)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 99 204.70 (-1.48)          Toni Collette (TCOLL) 25000 25.46 (-0.50)          The King of Kings H$10 Put (KOKNG.PU) 25000 2.05 (-0.17)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 20000 204.70 (-1.48)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 27000 6.93 (-0.51)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 25000 21.26 (+0.14)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 1 6.93 (-0.51)          Rust (RUST) 76000 2.11 (+0.50)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25000 28.42 (-0.29)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 38.34 (-0.18)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 37860 108.00 (-4.73)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 25000 108.87 (+0.11)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 30 104.52 (+8.10)          Eden aka Origin Of Species (OSPEC) 20000 14.69 (+0.02)          Meet the Parents 4 (MPRN4) 25000 67.74 (-0.40)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 30 17.91 (-1.07)          The Bookie & the Bruiser (TBATB) 500 12.98 (+0.81)